X Marks the Scot - An on-line community of kilt wearers.

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X Marks the Scot - An on-line community of kilt wearers. FAQ

Here you can find answers to questions about how the board works. Use the links or search box below to find your way around.

How can I notify the staff immediatly about something I find on the forum?

We have tried to make it as easy as possible for any member to contact the forum staff, for any reason, as quickly as possible.

At the bottom left of every post you will see some small icons.

One of these icons looks like a yield sign with an exclamation point in it. This icon is called "Raise a Flag on This Post". A simple click on this icon will send an automatic email to every member of the staff immediately.

Any member may flag any post, anywhere on the forum, for any reason. It is our 'Open Door" and your direct line of communication with our Staff.

If you have entered a typo in a thread title or if you have a question about the appropriateness of the subject of a post are good examples of the use of flagging.

Another way to contact our Staff is via the Personal Message (PM) system. If you wish to contact an individual Staff Member we suggest sending them a Personal Message.

A listing of our current staff may be found by clicking the "Meet the Forum Staff" button on the dark blue navigation bar at the top of every page.

How do I change my Screen Name, Avatar, or personal information?

If you typed in a User Name when you first registered and later find that you made a typo, or for some reason you wish to change your User Name, please send a Personal Message(PM) to the forum owner, Steve Ashton. Please let him know the new name you would like and he will make the change for you in just a day or two.
You must remember to use the new name the next time you log in.

Your email address is one example which you may not want to use as a User Name.

To change your avatar, update a new email address, or edit any other information in your public profile, you should click on the tab on the blue navigation bar at the top of every page titled "user cp".
You will be sent to a new page where you can add, edit or change anything in your public profile.
Down the left side is a menu of the things that are part of your profile. Simply click on the menu item to go to the page where you can make the change you wish.

We encourage our members to include as much information in their public profile as they are comfortable with. Your location is one good way for others to get to know you and let you know if there is a kilt night or other event planned in your area.

Your public profile is also a good place to add albums of photos of you and your kilt. We have a saying here on X Marks, "No pics, it didn't happen. So feel free to add as many albums and photos as you like. (within the rules, of course.)

How do I post pictures in a thread?

Here on X Marks we have a saying, "If there are no pics, it didn't happen", but one of the first frustrations many people experience as a new member of the forum is trying to upload a photo into a post.

There are two ways you can insert a photo into your posts.

The first way is perhaps the easiest and most secure method. This is the preferred method because it does not actually upload your photo itself to be stored on X Marks. It is just a link to your photo that is stored some where else on the web. This method is most useful if you have your own website or if you use one of the on-line photo hosting sites such as flickr, imageshack or postimage.

Many of the on-line photo hosting sites are free and they usually allow you to edit, arrange your photos into albums , and see all your photos in one place. It also makes it very easy to insert a link to either a full size image or a thumbnail of your image because they usually give you the code necessary to insert your photo link. Most members of X Marks use this method.

The first thing to do is go to the website where your photos are stored on the web. (Many members will open a second window. One with the photo website and one with X Marks. They can them simply copy and past the necessary code from one to the other.

You start by surrounding the address to you image with what are called Image tags.
The opening image tag is a bracket -[- followed the letters all in capitals IMG - and then another bracket -]-.

Then you type or paste the full URL link to your photo. This link will start with the letters http or https followed by a colon -:- and then two slashes -//-.

The end of the link will be the picture extension of the format of your picture such as .jpg or .bmp or .gif.

Finally you close the image tags with a bracket -[- a slash -/- then IMG and a final bracket -]-.

If you have never done anything like this before now would be a good time to pat yourself of the back. You have just written your first computer code.

If it is easier for you to understand instructions with pictures please click here for some excellent instructions written by BEEDEE, one of our former Forum Moderators.

The second way to put a photo into a post is by actually uploading your photo to the forum directly from your computer.

This method actually stores your photo on X Marks. This increases the bandwidth load of the forum and method means that you no longer have exclusive use of your photo. It is even remotely possible that some hacker could follow the upload code back to your home computer.

We have prepared a pictorial tutorial of this way to add a photo to your posts.

The tutorial may be read by going to the "How Do I" section of the forum. The tutorial is the first sticky thread in that section.

You may also go directly to the tutorial by clicking here

You will want to type all of the following on one line, with no spaces or breaks.
[img]http://www.the_address_where_your_image_is_stored.com/imagenumber, name and extension type[/img]

(Please remember that you need to use the http:// convention with the Web address. Using just a www. will not work.)

What are the basic courtesy protocols on X Marks?

When posting to X Marks there are a few protocols which we feel are basic to our forum.

The person who starts a thread is known as the Original Poster, or OP for short. We regard the OP as the owner of their threads.
Someone starts a thread for a reason. They may be asking a specific question or may want to make a particular point. As the owner of a thread the OP may request that their thread be closed if they have received an answer to their question, if they feel the thread has veered off the intended topic, or is no longer useful or helpful. The OP may also request that their thread be re-named or moved if they feel it appropriate.

It is considered polite to add a few words of comment or explanation when posting a link to any outside source such as another website or video.
Posting just a link is easy, yes, but much more friendly to your fellow members if you explain a little about what the link leads to and perhaps why you decided to share the link. This is to allow our members to choose if they wish to follow the link or not.

Forum threads are a unique communication type. They are read linearly and are not easily followed if the topic is changed mid-thread or if the subject wanders. It is considered polite for those participating in a thread to keep their posts on the original topic of the thread. If someone wishes to change the topic it is expected that they would start a new thread.

It is accepted that the use of all capital letters is a form of shouting.

While it is common on forums to use "web-speak", acronyms and abbreviations, we consider it polite to use only wording that would be familiar to most of our members. Please remember that we are an international forum. Some of our members are old enough not to have grown up on the internet. We have listed some acronyms and abbreviations specific to X Marks in the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's).

While X Marks has members from around the world we have chosen to accept English as our common language. Writing in dialect or in languages other than English is seen as impolite.

The written word is our medium of communication. It is considered polite to use accepted English language usage, sentence structure and punctuation.

What does inactive or dormant member mean under a members' username?

Within the forum, when you see a post by a member, or if you look up a member in our membership list, you may notice that some members may have different descriptors under their usernane.

Here is an explanation of what those descriptors mean -

Inactive Member -
If you do not log onto the forum for more than two calendar years,
it can only be assumed that you no longer wish to remain active.
Any Inactive Member who logs back onto the forum will automatically return to full active status.

New Member -
Each person who registers to the forum will have "New Member" displayed under their username for the first 180 days or until they make 10 posts to the forum.
New Member status in not a punishment or probation in any way. It is simply our way of letting other members know that someone is a newbie. New Members may need some help or assistance until they get their feet on the ground and get used to our unique community.
After 180 days, or after completing their 10th post to the forum, New Members will automatically become a full, active members.

Registered Hobbyist -
Any member who makes something as a hobby, and wishes to offer an item for sale to our membership, may register as a Hobbyist.
Registered Hobbyists may post one item per month for sale in our "For Sale" section.

Dormant Membership -
We can only assume that any member who decides not to log onto the forum for over 5 calendar years.
or who has not updated their email address for over two years,
no longer wishes to be a member of the forum.
A membership may also go dormant at a members' express, written request.
Dormant Members will no longer be able to post to the forum.
A dormant membership may request re-instatment by contacting the forum owner.

Membership Revoked -
This forum does not ban its members from participating here.
Unfortunately, some seem unable to keep within the limits set by our rules and policies.
A member who has repeatedly violated the rules and has accumulated 3 "Red Cards" as published in our, "Policy on Disciplinary Proceedings", may have their membership revoked.
This is a very serious step. It is not taken lightly.
A membership would be revoked only after repeated offenses,
and the member would have had ample opportunity to present a defense.
It requires a majority vote among The Forum Moderators to revoke a membership. The decision by the Moderators to revoke a membership is final.
A person whos' membership has been revoked may no longer enter or post to the forum.

Revoked as a Spammer -
Spammers are those who prey on forums to spread their version of electronic junk mail.
X Marks does not tolerate spammers. "NO SPAM, Not today, Not tomorrow, Not ever".
Any person or computer robot registering to X Marks, who places active spam on the forum, or who places drop-box spam within their profile, will have their registration revoked immediately and without notice.
Our definition of Spammer also includes anyone who attempts to exploit the membership resources of this forum.

X Marks Specific Acronyms & Kilt terms.

The full, proper name of this forum is its full URL web address www.xmarksthescot.com. We usually just call it X Marks the Scot or abbreviate it to X Marks.

As in any other field, kiltmaking has its own language. Here are some kiltmaking terms you may run across.

- The Fell refers to the area in the back of a kilt that is tapered and sewn down. It is from the waistband down to the crest of the buttocks.

- Steeking refers to a line of stitches that support and hold the pleats straight a parrallel below where they are cut away behind the Fell.

- The Drop of a Traditional Style Kilt is the length measured from the center of the top strap and buckle down to the bottom of the Hem.

- In a Traditional Style Kilt the Rise is the area above the center of the top strap and buckle. It is usually about 2". The Rise may or may not be counted as part of the total length of the kilt.

Natural Waist
- A persons natural waist is just under the ribs. At about kidney level. To find your natural waist place your hand with the fingers along your spine and your thumb just under your ribs at the side. Then bend sideways into you thumb and you will feel your thumb go into a depression. That is the location of your natural waist.

Here are some terms specific to X Marks.

A 'TANK' Is defined as an eight-yard, wool, hand-sewn, traditional kilt. ie., "It's built like a tank." (coined by Jimmy Carbomb c.2005)

"Jones", "to Jones", or "Jonesing". This is a term computer forums have taken from modern culture. I refers to 'needing a fix' or that anxious feeling you get when you are waiting for your new kilt to arrive.

"Rabble", This word started with a question by one of our members back in 2006. "What do you call a group of folks in kilts?" While many words were suggested, Rabble seemed to fit us best.

And some X Marks or kilt specific acronyms you may run across.
  • OP This is the Opriginal Poster. The person who starts a new thread. In effect the OP owns the thread. The OP of a thread may edit the title of their thred or may request that the thread be closed or deleted for any reason they wish.
  • MUG - A Male Unbifurcated Garment. This term was coined buy the Utilikilt Company, of Seattle to describe their specific product. A male, skirt like garment, with little or no connection to the Tradition of the Scottish Kilt.
  • MoD The British term for Ministry of Defense.
  • P/C A Prince Charlie coatee.
  • P/V A synthetis fabric composed of a blend of Polyester and Rayon. Usually in the ratio of 65% Polyester to 35% Rayon. (Viscose is the British term for Rayon) Not to be confused with fabric of Acrylic fibers.
  • THCD Some of our Traditional kilt wearers like to use this acronym to mean Traditional Highland Civilian Wear. The specific definition of THCD has never been established but most describe it by saying "I'll know it when I see it".

Here is a list of acronyms for kilt companies that you may see used on this site. If you have any to add please PM Steve Ashton:
  • FK - Freedom Kilt
  • SWK - Stillwater Kilts
  • TFCK - 21st Century Kilts
  • UK- Utilikilt
  • USAK - USA Kilts

What is the X Marks Honour Roll?

This community is a truly unique place on the internet. Many of us who have been here for years forget the impression this site gives to a new member when they join us. The feeling of civility and politeness is like a breath of fresh air. In our posts we all share our experiences. We teach and learn from each other. We rejoice and weep with each other. We also pass on and help each other with our posts and our photos.

There are some however who go above and beyond the norm by giving selflessly of themselves to create the sense of community that so characterizes X Marks.

The Forum Staff have searched for a way that our members can recognize and award those fellow members who contribute the most to this forum. We have looked for a system that is open and fair to all and which will show, at a glance, those who have, in a tangible way, made this forum what it is.
We are pleased to announce The X Marks Honour Roll.

Induction to the Honour Roll will be based on;
1) A history of meritorious contribution to the forum.
2) A history of significant help or assistance to the forum membership.
3) A significant contribution to the general kilt wearing world.
4) A record of service or benefit to the other members of the forum.

A full description of the Honour Roll and the criteria for induction can be found in the Honour Roll sub-section of the "Our Community Forum". This section of the forum will also include the entire Honour Roll listing and is where the announcements of new inductees will be posted.

Each forum member inducted to the Honour Roll will have a distinctive graphic placed in their public profile. This graphic will be visible on every post they make and will give a public a visible recognition of the honour they have earned.

In addition to the graphic, each inductee will have an individual listing on the Honour Roll that will include a photo, the date they joined the forum, a full citation stating the contribution made, and the date of their induction.

Induction to the X Marks Honour Roll is the highest form of recognition that can be awarded by this forum. It shows every one that those who are inducted have been recognized and appreciated by their fellow members.

The Forum Staff believe that The X Marks Honour Roll will be a great addition to the forum. We hope that as individuals are inducted to the Honour Roll the entire membership will be able to take pride in the contribution of their fellow members and recognize the great debt this forum owes to all those who make this forum the community that it is.

To go directly to the Honour Roll section of the forum click here.

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