My thanks to you both!

You'r right about Tam O' Shanter having memorable lines. The loving words of Tam's wife got a good response:

"She told thee weel thou was a skellum;
a blethering, blustering, drunken blellum
That frae November to October
any market day thou was not sober."

"That ilka melder wi' the miller
thou would sit as long as thou had siller
and any naig was ca'd a shoe on,
the smith and thee got roaring fou on!"

"That in the Lord's house e'en on Sunday
thou would drink wi' Kirkton Jean until Monday!"

"She prophesied that late or soon
thou'd be found deep drowned in Doon,
or catched wi' warlocks in the mirk
by Alloway's auld haunted kirk."

(Mis)quoted from memory, so don't beat me up too badly!