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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    A "new" old kilt jacket and that OTHER Harris Tweed

    I'm currently awating delivery of an old R.R. Henderson tweed jacket I purchased online. Got what I think will end up being a good deal on a well-cared-for jacket in a unique tweed...perhaps not loud by this forum's definitions, but unique, anyway.

    This one should date to around the late 50's or early 60's. Henderson House has confirmed that their label, with it's inclusion of the Alva location, places it at least 60 years ago.

    The other confirmation, though, is a label marking this as tweed supplied by Independent Harris Tweed Producers, ltd. This was a collaboration between 3 mainland weavers set up in 1958 to compete with the authorized Harris Tweed Association. The difference, allegedly, was that IHTP shipped yarn to the Hebrides, where it was woven and shipped back for finishing. The Harris Tweed Association, which performs the entire production process locally, filed and eventually won their case, and in 1964, the upstart company was forced to cease.

    Does anyone else have a jacket or other piece of clothing with one of these tags on it? I'd love to see it.

    ihtp tag.jpg
    rrhenderson tag.jpg
    henderson jacket front.jpg
    henderson jacket closeup.jpg

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  3. #2
    Join Date
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    Interesting! I have a jacket in the same tweed. I'm not sure of the age, as I purchased it on eBay, but the only tag says "David Ogilvie, Bespoke Highlandwear".

    The jacket is quite heavy, but is very nice.

    Hope you'll enjoy yours.

    Shaun Maxwell
    Vice President & Texas Commissioner
    Clan Maxwell Society

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  5. #3
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by ShaunMaxwell View Post
    Interesting! I have a jacket in the same tweed. I'm not sure of the age, as I purchased it on eBay, but the only tag says "David Ogilvie, Bespoke Highlandwear".

    The jacket is quite heavy, but is very nice.

    Hope you'll enjoy yours.

    That's exactly the tweed, isn't it? Perhaps it's just rotated 90 degrees. It's possible it came from the same stock, even. A legal ruling against the IHTP would have meant they could no longer put the Harris Tweed label on their material, but Imagine there was plenty still in circulation.


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