Apologies to all for the delay in writing this after-action report about the Tartan Day fesitivies in St. Charles, but I think I'm finally caught up & rested from the weekend! :mrgreen:

This year was the Fourth annual Tartan Day parade & festival in historic St. Charles, Missouri. For those who may not be familiar, St. Charles was a Spanish (San Carlos) and French town that later became the first capitol of Missouri, and was visited by Lewis & Clark on their journey west. Historic Main Street, which has many old buildings dated to the early 19th century is the venue for the festivities, which include a "Tartan Trail" of different clan tartans hanging from balconies along Main Street; the parade itself, and entertainment afterwards in Frontier Park along the Missouri River.

Page, my mother & I went up early on Friday to visit some of the wineries along Highway 94 west of St. Charles (The Missouri Winestrasse, or wine road). The weekend was a beautiful weekend weather wise, and turn-out was fantastic: three pipe bands from St. Louis & Springfield, Illinois; reenactment groups portraying the Black Watch, ca. 1763 and the Corps of Discovery (Lewis & Clark), and many Clan & family societies, as well St. Andrew's, SAMS, etc. Our contingent of Scots from Springfield was "wee, but wicked" -- we had six in the parade behind out banner -- and everyone seemed to have a good time. After the parade, several Scottish musical groups played, including Smithfield Fair of Louisiana, and Missouri's own Alex Sutherland, originally from Edinburgh. On Sunday morning there was a Kirkin' at the local Presbyterian Church, but we had to get back to Springfield early.

I did get to meet up with dana, as mentioned in another post, and dana did post a picture in the meet up gallery, tho' it's not my best! :mrgreen: You'll notice I'm wearing my new Freelander sporran, btw!

All in all, a great way to celebrate Tartan Day & Scottish heritage!

Yours Aye,
