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  1. #1
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    My first weekend in the kilt

    Well, my extremely disapproving wife went away and took the boy for the weekend, so I decided, since she cant bitch about it, time to puff up my chest, tell the nerves to calm down, and hit the streets in my black original Utilikilt. Or the dirt as the case may be.

    First outing was an easy one. PA Ren Faire Celtic Fling. Since about 35% of the men there were in kilts... going there was easy. Stopping at Dicks sporting goods before I got there though was a bit nerve wracking.

    I'm sitting there trying on some new sandals, and a salesguy comes up to me.

    Him: "Scottish invasion?"
    Me: "Um... huh?"
    Him: "The scottish invasion?"
    Me: more confused... "What?"
    Hiim: "The kilt..."
    Me: "Yeah...?"
    Him: "Forgot you were wearing it?"
    Me: "No... what, have there been a lot of men in kilts in here today?"
    Him: "No, why?"
    Me: "Figured thats why you mentioned 'scottish invasion' that there were a lot of kilts in here today"
    Him: "No, just you"

    Needless to say that exchange just confused the hell out of me.

    Celtic Fling was great. Had a blast. Saw the Amerikilts tent, and they had one in my size. I owned my black UK for 4 whole days, and the damn addiction set in. Bought myself a tan Amerikilt. GAH!

    Afterwards on the way home I stop for some ice cream... walking into the place I see some girls glance my way... after I walk past, I hear a wolf-whistle from one of them. I am LIKING this kilt thing ;)

    Next day, sitting at home lounging in the Amerikilt, doorbell rings. DOH! Neighbor! Me in a kilt! Well... time to grow some balls again... I answer the door. Neigbor wants to borrow my dremel, asks if it's a new fashion statement for me. I tell him about it, he says cool. Asks about the 'purse' thing in front, I tell him it's a sporran. "Ok, ok... kilt and sporran, not skirt and purse hehe" Ha ha funny thanks But we had a good laugh hes a good guy.

    That night I wear it to the movies (Land of the Dead. It was ok. Romero should be ashamed for selling out though). In line buying a ticket, an ungodly cute girl comes up to me freaking out beyond belief about how absolutely f**king cool that is! Is that a kilt? Oh my god my whole family is scottish and they wear them for their formal events, but that's awesome! Whered you get it? Turns to her boyfriend, 'would you wear one?' he says sure. More 'totally fricking awesome! wow! That rocks! You rule!' I write down the amerikilts and utilikilts website address for them, and go into the theatre.

    Next day at Home Depot, employee asks me is that a kilt. Yep. He says why? I said why not? He stood there for a moment, apparently confused by my puzzling response. Then talks my ear off for 20 minutes about his black scottish friend who cant be scottish because hes black, but god, he has 6 kilts and says hes scottish so he must be, and that he is native american because of the sunburn then shows me his tan lines and says and this is his irish because it's pale and freckely (eew... didnt need to see that). Ok, maybe the kilt is NOT as good as I thought... attracts cute girls... but also wierd Home Depot employees.

    Anyway... then my wife came home and told me I look like a girl. Grr. This is gonna be a long fight over this. Unfortunately for her, I just ordered a UK workmans kilt. I do construction work in my spare time, and wore my AK tuesday night... comfy... but no damn pockets, and too light, could get torn on a stray nail. I'm now on my way to 3 kilts, and I've been a kilt owner for 8 days now. God help me.

  2. #2
    Dreadbelly is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    Take your wife out in public and allow her to see there are other women that are HAWT for your kilted body. Once she sees that she can be replaced with a willing female companion, she may change her tune.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Good on ya! After you've had enough positive experiences in public, you don't even think of it anymore.

    I first started coming around here last autumn and needed a lot of morale boosting early on because really I had never been around anyone just wearing a kilt casually. Now I hate wearing pants, and have become somewhat of a minor local celebrity because of my kilted antics (not that bad... but I have people coming up to me two counties away saying "hey aren't you that guy that lives in Prospect Park? My brother saw you walking down blah blah blah...")

    The experiences you're having with the ladies now are encouraging, but I kid you not when I tell you that as your confidence in the kilt increases, your mojo is going to explode. I am a very big, ugly, fat, hairy man and if I weren't married I'm here to tell you I could be living like Johnny Appleseed for all of the propositions I've been turning down since I took up the kilt.

    I would point you to the member galleries for some ideas on what looks good with the kilt. But they are down right now I think. Still, don't be afraid to ask questions on what works & what doesn't. I wish I had. Early on I had some pretty horrible combinations going.

  4. #4
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    Now, if you were at Fling, then you must have seen some of the female reactions to kilts there. The Wailing Banshees is a female singing group that is there and they ALWAYS go after the kilted guys. Whether its an act or not, the "ring leader" is married to the artistic director of the place and he's in a kilt a lot at these things. Just take your wife to one of their shows (they open for every act at the faire during July's Celtic music shows on Sundays), sit in the front row and she should change her tune when the blond in the group comes and sits in your lap because you're wearing a kilt. What part of PA are you in? If its close to the grounds, try the Ren Faire this summer. There's a lot of us kilted then too. One of the most popular acts, especially with the ladies, is the Tartan Terrors. The whole group is kilted and not a lass in the audience thinks they look like girls from the reactions I see. Good luck. Too bad we didn't run into each other since I was there both days.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dreadbelly
    Take your wife out in public and allow her to see there are other women that are HAWT for your kilted body. Once she sees that she can be replaced with a willing female companion, she may change her tune.
    My wife has always simply been indifferent to the kilt. I'm a very tall burly looking guy so I never really get anyone telling me I look girly. But the kilt doesn't do anything for her.

    One night I had her go with me to Finnigan's Wake, which any Philadelphian Xmarks member can tell you can get pretty wild with all the crazy women. Except we didn't wear our rings, and she stayed about 15 feet away from me all night looking like she was by herself.

    I don't think she believed any of the stories I told her until someone kilt checked me and then spanked my buns, and then I turned around and played a little tit-for-tat with the spanker in front of her own boyfriend (who didn't want to cause any trouble and so he didn't cause any trouble).

    At first she was shocked at my behavior. But now she feels a lot better knowing what kind of attention I'm getting and just blowing off so that I can come home to be with my one & only. I'm very flirtatious, and I dance with so many women, but I always go home to Mrs. Magnus.

  6. #6
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    As for the Wailing Banshees... WOOWOO. One big reason I wanted to go to the fling this year was I saw them 2 years ago at the fling. HOT HOT HOT. (Oh, and they have awesome voices too!) Saw one of their performances on sunday and they brought a kilted man up on stage, and one laid down on the stage in front of him peeking up his kilt the entire song, and 2 others took a peek themselves ;) Personally, if an ungodly hot girl wants to look... and keeps looking... feel free. I'm a manslut I guess... ;)

    Not to mention all 5 of them crawling over the men in the audience during one song... next time I know, take an aisle seat!

    Oh, and the tartan terrors are fantasic. We've already got plans to see the banshees/terrors on the 17th for the celtic music festival. My wife should be going with us this time. I'd like to see the look on her face if I'm lucky enough to be moeslted by the banshees ;) You going?

  7. #7
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    Won't be able to make the concert series this year. Hope to next. July is just too full and I'm job hunting now. Will be at the faire though since we've had the season passes since November. On Saturday, we were able to arrange to have my brother-in-law brought up on stage during one of their shows where they sang to him for his birthday. It helps when you have a son on the semi-pro cast to get the word to them. He was kilted and had to fend them off too. Got some great pictures of that one.

  8. #8
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    Awesome responses to an awesome weekend! Well done.
    Glen McGuire

    A Life Lived in Fear, Is a Life Half Lived.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Recently, I wore a kilt to a local charity fund-raiser. The team members took turns walking the course.

    I got home and heard "So you wore your skirt!" I think it was an attempt to get me tired of hearing it called a skirt and make me give up my kilts. I have gotten more support for kilt wearing from friends than at home.

    However, this time I was tired from being up all night. I decided I heard enough. I said I was in my house and I would wear what I wanted. If I want to wear a kilt, I will. If I want to wear a skirt, I will (and so forth).

    So I was told, then wear it to work. I replied I will. That got a shocked reaction. Truth is that safety regs make that difficult, but I might wear a kilt on a special day. I'll have pants with me if needed.

    In any case, there were no pants on me that weekend.

    No sure that was the best way to deal with the situation, but it ended the comments about wearing a skirt. :smile:
    Last edited by Will; 1st July 05 at 07:08 PM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Gentlemen , you have the right to wear what you want. If you were to make little comments about what your wife chose to wear, would you hear about it? Damn straight, you would.

    Turnabouts fair play. If you want to wear akilt, then she can bloody well shut up about it, and YOU cna bloody well tell her so.

    It's not "unloving" to stand up for your simple rights. It doesn't mean you have to wear it all the time, or wear it to her mothers' house on her birthday. but if you want to wear a kilt, then stand up for your right to do so with th ewoman you love.

    It pays off in the end, believe me.

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