
Three Xmarkers met at the Royal Mile Pub for a DC Kilt Night and a Robert Burns Supper (perhaps one of the last ones of the year).

It was a successful and fun evening.

Here are some pictures.

Before dinner Scotch Whisky apperitivs. RMP had a large selection of whiskies.

I had a Talisker 10, svc40bt had a Caol Ila, (and I forget what Mael had)

The procession.

While waiting for dinner:
Conversing over Scotch Eggs (yumm!) Mael Coluim and svc40bt.

Steve, a Scottish lad who organized the event. He is a cyclist and many of his cyclist friends were in the audience.

Intros, Odes and Addresses

Ian, the owner

Steve giving the Immortal Memory address...
He did an excellent job. He mentioned that he is from Aberdeen.

Toast to the Lassies and the Response from the Lassies.

Sonya wrote an excellent poem (that rhymes and all).
Given the job just the night before.