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Thread: Black or Brown?

  1. #21
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    I really like that sporran... I have thought about a simular one for myself... might be contacting Josh for one soon...
    “Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds you plant.”
    – Robert Louis Stevenson

  2. #22
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    The sporran will work with the black shoes. Have a good evening.
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  3. #23
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    In my humble opinion, gentlemen should wear black in the evening. Black shoes would go wondefully well with that outfit.

    For what its worth...
    Many years ago I was in college on the GI Bill and also working as a security guard to support my ex-wife and I. Next thing you know I get promoted to a plain clothes house officer position at a swanky NY City, Upper East Side, Park Ave. hotel. One of the reasons that I got promoted was that I already owned a suit. A very nice brown tweed suit. My wife and I were both very proud of it. With my raise I bought a proper double breasted blue blazer with 2 pair of pants, beige and grey. As all of you kilties can discern, I now had three outfits.

    A few weeks later I was chatting with Peggy, the coat check lady. She had been around since Moby Dick was a minnow, but had worked in all of the top nightclubs and restaurants in the city. I was asking her how the doormen and bouncers at the hottest clubs knew who to let in, even if they had never seen the person before. She explained that the decision was made on how the "gentleman was dressed". That did not help me out so i asked her to be specific.

    Peggy replied, "well, for instance, if the gentleman is wearing a brown suit he will not be let in". I asked her what was wrong with wearing a brown suit.

    She then stated the words that shall ring in my ears until the day I die, "Dahhhling... this is Pahhhk Avenue, only fahhhmas wear brown..."

    Now I no longer hobnob with the rich and famous, and now do spend a fair amount of my time with farmers, (fahhhmas). Where I live folks are just happy if you wear jeans without holes in them, and no one cares if your hiking boots match your belt or your coat. But, whenever I question myself as to black or brown, Peggy's advice has always served me well.
    Si Deus, quis contra? Spence and Brown on my mother's side, Johnston from my father, proud member of Clan MacDuff!

  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by gordontaos View Post

    She then stated the words that shall ring in my ears until the day I die, "Dahhhling... this is Pahhhk Avenue, only fahhhmas wear brown..."
    That was pretty much true until Ronald Reagan became president. He wore brown suites fairly often.

  5. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by gordontaos View Post
    AShe then stated the words that shall ring in my ears until the day I die, "Dahhhling... this is Pahhhk Avenue, only fahhhmas wear brown..."
    That is a great story! I just love it!
    FWIW, I don't have a problem wearing brown shoes or accessories in the evening, depending on the event, but it sounds like black is the way to go for the event you'll be attending.
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  6. #26
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    Go traditional:

    Black shoes and Brown sporran.



  7. #27
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    Brown for the country, black for town...Or brown for daytime. Of course, the farther up the scale you go,the more fun it is to prove the rule doesn't always apply. Tom Wolfe writes of lawyers who always wear ( brown) suede shoes with their suits. For a long while in the late 20th century, fashionable American men equated black shoes with cops and other uniformed workers. Of course, this only goes so far- it is cool enough to wear brown shoes with a charcoal or navy suit, but darned difficult if you are wearing a black one. My impression is that English men find brown pretty unacceptable for bankers and lawyers. I'd wear brown (shoes or suit) in a heartbeat over unattractive black examples. Where all of this leads in an era of business casual, I am not sure. Nothing says "uncomfortable" like a casual outfit with black (dress) shoes. Well, maybe a short sleeved political t shirt over a long sleeved dress shirt and tie. YIPES.

    Others have pointed out that the Duke of Rothesay and others wear black shoes all of the time with kilts, even when the rest of the outfit is more in the brown mood, including the sporran. I expect the biggest question is the audience. Will they even notice your shoes? What do you want them to think? Suavely casual or smartly dressed up?
    Some take the high road and some take the low road. Who's in the gutter? MacLowlife

  8. #28
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    Others have pointed out that the Duke of Rothesay and others wear black shoes all of the time with kilts, even when the rest of the outfit is more in the brown mood, including the sporran.
    Speaking of which, there was a thread a while back with a bunch of pictures of him and some discussion of his wearing a brown sporran with black shoes. I cannot find it now, and the search function is of absolutely no help.

    The pictures forum only goes to 4 pages, even though the forum index page shows that there are thousands of threads in there. What happened? I'd sure like to look at those pictures again.

  9. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tobus View Post
    Speaking of which, there was a thread a while back with a bunch of pictures of him and some discussion of his wearing a brown sporran with black shoes. I cannot find it now, and the search function is of absolutely no help.

    The pictures forum only goes to 4 pages, even though the forum index page shows that there are thousands of threads in there. What happened? I'd sure like to look at those pictures again.
    This one?

    "If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have peace." -- Thomas Paine

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  10. #30
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    Yes, thanks! I must have goofed on the spelling when I searched.

    I still don't understand, though, why I can only see 4 pages of threads when I browse to that forum. If I click on your link, it takes me to the thread and tells me there are 23 pages of threads. But if I go into that forum from a different route, it only lets me see 4 pages. That is absolutely bizarre.

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