So, someone on here contacted me privately and asked if I could show them some basic Scottish Country Dancing stuff so they didn't feel so out of their depth starting a class that was mostly intermediate dancers.

At the same time, Diane has been looking online for instructional videos to recommend to our newer dancers and has been unable to find much.
Sure, there are great written resources and gifs, and the Red Thistle Dancers have some great DVD stuff. But most people don't want to buy a DVD right off the bat and some people learn better visually.

So last night Diane and I made some verrrry amateur videos that she will be continuing sporadically.
They go over the basics of SCD step by step and will slowly start to add in tips for technique, more complicated steps and formulas.

Let us know what you think and feel free to pass them on to anyone who would like some info before they try a class.

Video one:

And Video two: