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  1. #1
    Tim B's Avatar
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    Starting a Kilt Night

    I have been an occasional kilt wearer for a number of years now and have "converted" quite a few friends and work associates into doing the same. In the past, we have worn our kilts for special events and social occasions (Warrior Dash, parties, St Patrick’s Day, etc). Recently we have discussed starting a kilt night, in an effort to be more public in our kilt wearing, and to produce a few new converts, or to bring some of our closet-kilted brethren out into the public.

    So, this may sound like a silly question, but what is the best way to get a kilt night started? I live in the Des Moines metro area and to my knowledge there are no organized kilt nights in the area. So how do we go about getting this going? We know that we want to pick a set day of the month, say, the 2nd Wednesday. But do we just pick a pub and a date and then show up or should we discuss it with the pub owner first? We all have agreed that choosing a "kilt friendly" establishment, such as an Irish or Celtic themed pub would be the best, but then what?

    I would welcome ANY input, positive or negative, especially from anyone who began a kilt night where there once was none.


    Tim B
    Tim B.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Tim - it is pretty much up to you. We do a kilt night twice a year at a local Irish pub with trad. music as we have no Scots pubs around. We don't do a regular set thing because there isn't enough interest, but each area is different. I have posted them here on xmarks with limited success - most of the people who attend are Clan society friends or other acquaintances that I email on my own.
    That being said, we all have a great time at them, very social and a nice evening out. I think you can make of it whatever works for you and your friends and certainly post a note in the kilt nights forum for you locale to start to gather interest.
    President, Clan Buchanan Society International

  3. #3
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    A weekend night might work better for you than a Wednesday, but here's how I got ours going: talk to the pub management; they'll love the idea (or at worst, shrug their shoulders). It doesn't cost them anything! If they're into it, have them include your kilt night in their "events" listing, advertising, or website.
    Create a flyer than can double as a mini poster. Hang one up at the pub, on library bulletin boards, at the local college/university, tattoo parlors, gun shops, wherever in public they'll get spotted. Any Irish import or Celtic-themed shops in town? Leave some of your flyers at these locations, too.
    Your local newspaper probably has a free events listing service in their entertainment section. Submit your information there. Email the entertainment editor/beat reporter. He/she might show up at your first kilt night to take pictures and write a column about it (ours did!).
    Finally, you can create a website to direct people to (here's ours: www.bingkiltnight.com), and don't forget to list your nights here on XMarks. Hope this helps...!

    "They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." ~ Benjamin Franklin

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    The Dumfries kilt nights are usually advertised by posts on here and on other kilt fora, but more importantly they are also advertised in the local pubs which are to be visited. Speak to the pub landlord and arrange to have a notice put up about a week before the event advertising your kilt night and inviting others to strap on their kilts and join your group.
    Regional Director for Scotland for Clan Cunningham International, and a Scottish Armiger.

  5. #5
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    Hi I also live in des moines I would like to see a kilt nite also let me know what happens .



  6. #6
    Join Date
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    All the ones I've attended have been publicized and discussed here on XMarks. Approach it like you would any other gathering as far as organizing places and choosing dates/times. It doesn't hurt to contact to contact the manager of any bar or restaurant, but isn't necessary unless you've got a large group and need to reserve an area.
    We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    One of the things we did in Chicago was start an Xmarks social group called Chicago Kilted. We use it as a list to notify folks about kilt nights and other events. The PM generates an email to each member so you don't have to rely solely on people keeping current with posts on the forum.
    Animo non astutia

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