This is my first and oldest kilt and it still fits comfortably and still looks good. The purchase price IS FREE plus shipping and handling rounded up to the next dollar. Before you PM me, however, this is why it's free and Bermuda natives and residents, kiltmakers, and teenagers will be given preference IF there are competing requests.

This is a casual kilt made of very lightweight (10oz) wool.
It has a number of moth holes among the pleats and one on the waistband in back. If you hold it up by the hem and inspect it you will see them.
It is short in length at 19.5 inches versus 22.5 for a kilt worn at the navel.
It has a "flared out" waist instead of a "tapered in" one. It fits more comfortably when worn with suspenders and at minimum requires a belt to keep it up which is tricky even then.

It is hand-sewn. Despite not being an 8-yard kilt it has 27 sewed down pleats just short of the traditional 30 pleats.
It looks like a formal kilt. The straps have been replaced with better ones. It has 3-inch belt loops and an oversize apron.
The tartan is unique and its elements have a unique meaning. It also has been discontinued so it's rare.
It has a very comfortable and durable lining which makes it easy to get in and out of the kilt.
LASTLY ... all it costs is shipping and handling.

PM me if you are interested; if you just have a question, just post it here. To see a modern version of the tartan go here: . The true colors are a little more muted than the digital version.