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  1. #1
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    Striped "regimental" tie question

    I'd like to wear a diagonally striped tie in my school colors but my alma mater doesn't have an official tie. Could I just buy a red and black striped tie in some way that doesn't step on the toes of whichever regiment those colors may represent? I can't find it now. I seem to recall seeing some Australian regement with those colors. What about a tie with those colors in stripes of different thicknesses? Is that different enough?

  2. #2
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    I think the regimental tie thing is overblown, no regiment has exclusive rights to the stripe colours or thickness. The only issues are when the ties carry a specific pattern ( like the RSDG's zig zag) or a regimental badge or crest. In cases like those, it is reasonable that a member of a regiment might get a bit disjointed because they earned the right to wear it, and a civilian did not. Many military and ex military are purists like that, I for example would never wear any badges or kilts from a regiment that I have not served with out of respect, but that is purely my choice. If your school colours are the same as a regiment, there is absolutely no reason why you shouldn't wear the tie. If asked by someone about military affiliation, you say it's your school, nobody has any reason to have a problem with that.

  3. The Following 9 Users say 'Aye' to 48HofC For This Useful Post:

  4. #3
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    You could wear the Army Benevolent Fund tie. A fundraiser for a soldiers' charity which goes with most tartans and you don't need to have belonged to any military regiment.

    Or you could buy an adult size school tie in a variety of colours and stripes from this site:-
    Last edited by cessna152towser; 27th March 17 at 09:51 AM.
    Regional Director for Scotland for Clan Cunningham International, and a Scottish Armiger.

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  6. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by 48HofC View Post
    I think the regimental tie thing is overblown, no regiment has exclusive rights to the stripe colours or thickness. The only issues are when the ties carry a specific pattern ( like the RSDG's zig zag) or a regimental badge or crest. In cases like those, it is reasonable that a member of a regiment might get a bit disjointed because they earned the right to wear it, and a civilian did not. Many military and ex military are purists like that, I for example would never wear any badges or kilts from a regiment that I have not served with out of respect, but that is purely my choice. If your school colours are the same as a regiment, there is absolutely no reason why you shouldn't wear the tie. If asked by someone about military affiliation, you say it's your school, nobody has any reason to have a problem with that.
    I agree with not wearing insignia one is not entitled to. I also think your thoughts about responding to a question about the tie is reasonable as well.

  7. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by cessna152towser View Post
    You could wear the Army Benevolent Fund tie. A fundraiser for a soldiers' charity which goes with most tartans and you don't need to have belonged to any military regiment.

    Or you could buy an adult size school tie in a variety of colours and stripes from this site:-
    The reason I had asked was indeed because I was thinking of just getting a repp tie in red and black since San Diego state university doesn't sell any kind of tie beyond a polyester one plastered with the Aztec spear logo.

    My concern was just that someone might mistake the tie for the one in those colors that is actually associated with a regiment. But I think the other comment about pointing out that they are school colors makes sense. In San Diego, everyone will recognize sdsu's colors anyway.

  8. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by FossilHunter View Post
    I'd like to wear a diagonally striped tie in my school colors but my alma mater doesn't have an official tie. Could I just buy a red and black striped tie in some way that doesn't step on the toes of whichever regiment those colors may represent? I can't find it now. I seem to recall seeing some Australian regement with those colors. What about a tie with those colors in stripes of different thicknesses? Is that different enough?
    In the US you'll be fine with simple two-color college repp ties. If you travel to the U.K. I'd probably go with a solid or non-striped tie.

  9. The Following 3 Users say 'Aye' to davidlpope For This Useful Post:

  10. #7
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    In a partial echo to 48HofC, unless it is a specific pattern or crest one might be hard pressed to separate a regiment/branch/corps tie from those available commercially. Indeed some of those military representative ties are what was commercially available - I know mine was. Choosing your tie from a shop for your own reasons should be ok in most reasonable persons' assessments. If it happens to be close to some Unit somewhere, you might just make some new friends.

  11. #8
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    Or just haunt the used tie sections of the local thrift/Goodwill/Sally-Anne/second-hand shops; you'll find red/back striped ties...

  12. The Following User Says 'Aye' to Dale-of-Cedars For This Useful Post:

  13. #9
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    There are a tons of red and black striped ties available on ebay as well.

    Shaun Maxwell
    Vice President & Texas Commissioner
    Clan Maxwell Society

  14. #10
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    As a fellow Aztec, I feel I should chime in here.

    Technically, our colours are not red and black; they are black and scarlet (it was drilled into me as a freshman having to learn about the history of the school). Though for most people, red and black will do.

    See if you can find one with red and black and maybe the occasional gold and/or white.

    Just make sure your kilt looks good with the school colours!

    Also, you may be interested in the SDSU tartan I've designed (you can find it somewhere on here in my old posts).
    Last edited by YOJiMBO20; 27th March 17 at 07:57 PM.

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