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  1. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by figheadair View Post
    I find the tone and pattern combination of the jacket too light for my taste. I just cannot imagine wearing it with anything.
    I'm in this camp.
    Tulach Ard

  2. #12
    Benning Boy is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    It's good to see someone break the rules of convention in the kilted world. I'd wear that jacket when a Lovat jacket might be worn by those who hue to tradition. Another option would be to match hose to the dominate color of the jacket. The tan piper hose, which are relatively inexpensive would work well. Steve Ashton frequently suggests matching the shirt and hose. I think that would be the way I'd go. Lovat Blue hose are comman and would work well. To my eye your tie doesn't work, but that's always a personal thing.
    Last edited by Benning Boy; 7th May 19 at 06:37 PM.

  3. #13
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    color preferences aside, I'm thinking the jacket would work better with a tartan of a larger set; the pattern on the jacket is very nearly the same as the pattern in the kilt. To my eye it makes everything look too busy.

    If it were my jacket I'd add another button above the single button already there. The single button in the location it's at just looks a little on the low side.

  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bad Monkey View Post
    If it were my jacket I'd add another button above the single button already there. The single button in the location it's at just looks a little on the low side.
    I added another button to a jacket I got from Tobus. The single button did seem too low to me even though the fit was spot on. I had to press and reshape the lapel angle to allow for the extra button. The fit, across my chest or belly didn't change, but the jacket feels more snug across the back (and I like that). The distance of my new button is only two inches higher than the original.

    Just something to think about.

  5. The Following User Says 'Aye' to Tarheel For This Useful Post:

  6. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tarheel View Post
    I added another button to a jacket I got from Tobus. The single button did seem too low to me even though the fit was spot on. I had to press and reshape the lapel angle to allow for the extra button. The fit, across my chest or belly didn't change, but the jacket feels more snug across the back (and I like that). The distance of my new button is only two inches higher than the original.

    Just something to think about.
    This could almost be its own topic for a separate thread, but I think you absolutely did the right thing there! Well done sir. Many conversion jackets, or jackets built from so-called Saxon style patterns suffer from the buttons being too low in front. When the bottom of the jacket comes up to kilt-wearing height and the bottom button hole gets lopped off, the button closures and lapels need to rise accordingly in order to maintain pleasing proportionality. In looking at hundreds and hundreds of kilt jackets over time, I've decided that the best look for them is when they have a higher lapel with more buttons. And as you said, re-pressing the lapels can help the jacket fit better round the back of the chest for a more traditional fit.

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