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  1. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by OC Richard View Post
    About fit, since I have to shove a set of pipes up under one arm and have both arms extended playing the chanter I want the jacket to be somewhat big overall.
    Exactly! My band jacket is a little bigger and looser than my own. I like mine tailored to fit, while the band jacket is tailored for piping.
    "Touch not the cat bot a glove."

  2. #12
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    I concur with Father Bill. OC you look dapper. A mark of a true gentleman.
    South African military veteran. Great grandson of Captain William Henry Stevenson of the Highland Light Infantry, Scotland (1880's) and brother to Infantryman Peter Mark Schumann of the 2nd Transvaal Scottish, South Africa (1980's).

  3. #13
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    Thanks gents!

    For sure the traditional way is to wear a waistcoat and leave the jacket unbuttoned. Wearing a jacket sans waistcoat was rare in the old days.

    But it's usually warm here in Southern California, and while the jacket is necessary (for a smart professional appearance) the waistcoat is not, and the waistcoat adds another layer of wool.

    When it's cool enough, I do add the waistcoat, and the jacket is left open, as seen at this funeral.

    (That could be Arran over there, or Skye, but it's Santa Catalina Island.)

    Last edited by OC Richard; 7th June 19 at 07:18 AM.
    Proud Mountaineer from the Highlands of West Virginia; son of the Revolution and Civil War; first Europeans on the Guyandotte

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  5. #14
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    Most of my kilt jackets will comfortably button even though I wear them open. I do have one that, while it will button is not as comfortable and if I were to want to button my jacket, wouldn't chose this one.



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  7. #15
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    In the Pipe Band world, many people need a wide range of motion in the arms of their Argyll jackets, for example Drum Majors (here, multiple-time World Champion Drum Major Jason Paguio)


    And here, back in 2014, is SFU at The Worlds wearing jackets. You can see the challenges of playing Tenor Drum wearing an Argyll jacket


    St Kilda (Scotland) says they introduced their "Piper Flex" Argyll jackets in 2009, having a back panel of a stretch wool blend, for Pipe Band use. In spite of this I almost never see a Midsection in jackets nowadays, even if the Pipe Corps and Side Drummers are wearing them.

    In fact, jackets have fallen almost completely out of use in the Pipe Band world. It's been years since a band in the Grade One Finals at The Worlds has worn them. Nowadays it's waistcoats only, a combination of expense and comfort driving the change.
    Last edited by OC Richard; 30th June 19 at 05:40 AM.
    Proud Mountaineer from the Highlands of West Virginia; son of the Revolution and Civil War; first Europeans on the Guyandotte

  8. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by OC Richard View Post
    In fact, jackets have fallen almost completely out of use in the Pipe Band world. It's been years since a band in the Grade One Finals at The Worlds has worn them. Nowadays it's waistcoats only, a combination of expense and comfort driving the change.
    Yes, and that is too bad. It is a trend in looks that I don't care for, and is entirely too informal for a Pipe Band IMO.
    My Clans: Guthrie, Sinclair, Sutherland, MacRae, McCain-Maclachlan, MacGregor-Petrie, Johnstone, Hamilton, Boyd, MacDonald-Alexander, Patterson, Thompson. Welsh:Edwards, Williams, Jones. Paternal line: Brandenburg/Prussia.
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  10. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mike S View Post
    Yes, and that is too bad. It is a trend in looks that I don't care for, and is entirely too informal for a Pipe Band IMO.
    I agree. Short sleeves, waistcoat, and glengarry seems to be the new ubiquitous pipe band uniform, and it's a rather sorry state of affairs.

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  12. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tobus View Post
    I agree. Short sleeves, waistcoat, and glengarry seems to be the new ubiquitous pipe band uniform, and it's a rather sorry state of affairs.
    For sure Pipe Bands just don't look as smart and professional in waistcoats and shirtsleeves!

    The short-sleeves-and-waistcoat fad seems to have abated: at the 2018 Worlds not a single Grade One band was wearing short-sleeved shirts. Soon enough the lower-level bands in the diaspora (like mine) will get the memo.

    But it's also true that not a single Grade One band was wearing jackets. Or white hose.
    Proud Mountaineer from the Highlands of West Virginia; son of the Revolution and Civil War; first Europeans on the Guyandotte

  13. #19
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    As a piper in a pipe band, my stance has always been that if it's hot enough to wear short sleeves, it's hot enough to ditch the vest/waiscoat and tie as well! Headgear can stay on to help those that are follicularly challenged if the band's going to be in direct sun.

    Waiscoats and short sleeves don't go together in my book. Just looks odd.

  14. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by EagleJCS View Post
    As a piper in a pipe band, my stance has always been that if it's hot enough to wear short sleeves, it's hot enough to ditch the vest/waiscoat and tie as well!
    What I find interesting is how often the military has more common sense in these matters than civilian pipe bands.

    Here's what you say: no ties, and short (rolled-up) sleeves.

    I was in a band back in 2005-2006 that didn't go with the waistcoat thing. We got the Pilot shirts, shortsleeved and with epaulettes, which were very comfortable in our hot weather. (Here's yours truly, making a bobble in the march-in!)


    Quote Originally Posted by EagleJCS View Post
    Waiscoats and short sleeves don't go together in my book. Just looks odd.
    Yes for sure. But quite a few bands were doing that look, to the point that it was starting to look normal.

    BTW do you play in the Louisville pipe band? I saw them recently in Wellington.
    Last edited by OC Richard; 3rd July 19 at 05:07 AM.
    Proud Mountaineer from the Highlands of West Virginia; son of the Revolution and Civil War; first Europeans on the Guyandotte

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