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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    jacket price versus tweed selection

    I need a lighter-weight tweed kilt jacket for a Day outfit. My current jacket is made of quite heavy tweed, I would guess 20 ounce or more.

    Just looking at two sellers, USA Kilts and St Kilda (Scotland) I see as would be expected that as price gets lower so does the range of tweeds you can select from.

    The "in stock" tweed jackets from either seller have a very limited selection, just a couple tweeds, none of which I care for.

    St Kilda has "standard size made to measure" jackets in just 9 tweeds. According to how they're listed they are 225 and 260 Pounds (307 and 355 Dollars).

    USA Kilts has "standard size made to measure" jackets in 28 tweeds for 340 Dollars (250 Pounds).

    With St Kilda it seems one must go considerably higher in price, 338 Pounds (461 Dollars) to break out of the 9-tweed range, and have around 60 tweeds to choose from.

    Does anyone know of UK-made jackets in the lower price range with a wide tweed selection?

    Proud Mountaineer from the Highlands of West Virginia; son of the Revolution and Civil War; first Europeans on the Guyandotte

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  3. #2
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    This wont be cheaper but will give you more choice on style, cut and cloth https://www.thekiltexperience.com/welcome/

  4. #3
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    For an off the peg option - McCalls have a couple of green checked tweeds on offer for £150 and £200.

    I have the pale green one - it's probably my favourite jacket.

    I did contact McCalls a while back and understand this is Marton Mills Heath Coffee (code CGE 121) - which would make it a 15oz tweed. Although I haven't got around to ordering a swatch to confirm this. It's certainly lighter than both my PC and Harris Tweed.

    Last edited by Tomo; 23rd July 21 at 12:06 AM.

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  6. #4
    Join Date
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    Thanks Tomo!

    If your jacket there is Marton Mills cge121 Heath Coffee it goes to show how different online photos make the same tweed look different.

    Here's a comparison of the online swatch-images of cge121 from USA Kilts (top) and Marton Mills (bottom) which are quite different from each other and from your jacket.

    I do have a swatch of USA Kilts' MMcge121 coming, we shall see what that looks like!

    Last edited by OC Richard; 23rd July 21 at 03:55 AM.
    Proud Mountaineer from the Highlands of West Virginia; son of the Revolution and Civil War; first Europeans on the Guyandotte

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  8. #5
    Join Date
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    My jacket is much more like the second image you posted.

    Being tweed both the lighting and whatever else you are wearing can affect how it looks - as they draw out different colours. In the photo I posted (at least on my monitor) the jacket looks quite green, in other photos taken in direct sunlight, it looks paler and a more of a yellowish-green.


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