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  1. #1
    Join Date
    18th October 09
    Orange County California
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    Another DIY sporran project

    It all started a year ago when I picked up this sporran, for little money, on Ebay.

    It looked like a fine old sporran, of buff leather, with a lovely hand-chased cantle which appeared to be the work of Frederick Narborough (late Dalman & Narborough). Sadly somebody had glued a rabbit skin over the buff leather pouch.

    Frederick Narborough made identical bagpipe fittings, buckles, and cantles in solid nickel-silver and, more rarely, in Sterling Silver.

    When it arrived it proved to be Sterling Silver and hallmarked FN.

    I debated, when I was ordering a new leather body for my vintage Sterling Silver hinged FN cantle, whether to go with plain leather tassels or the sort with silver bells/balls like you see on a number of turn-of-the-century sporrans.

    I went with plain leather, but small decorative silver fittings to balance the silver cantle a bit. Here's the original body with rabbit skin removed, and the new Margaret Morrison leather body.

    However as I've been living with the sporran for months now I've come to think that the silver bells/balls would give an even better balance, and more of the retro look.

    So I took off the tassels, discarded the leather tops, and acquired some bells/balls (upper right).

    I slipped the bells on the braided cords and re-attached the tassels (lower left).

    I'm really pleased with the outcome (lower right).

    Here's a side-by-side before and after. I might end up putting the tassels a bit further down, I have around 1.5cm leeway.

    Here are both of my recent sporran projects side-by-side

    Last edited by OC Richard; 22nd March 23 at 04:08 PM.
    Proud Mountaineer from the Highlands of West Virginia; son of the Revolution and Civil War; first Europeans on the Guyandotte

  2. The Following 6 Users say 'Aye' to OC Richard For This Useful Post:

  3. #2
    Join Date
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    Nice work Richard.

  4. #3
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by OC Richard View Post
    It all started a year ago when I picked up this sporran, for little money, on Ebay.

    It looked like a fine old sporran, of buff leather, with a lovely hand-chased cantle which appeared to be the work of Frederick Narborough (late Dalman & Narborough). Sadly somebody had glued a rabbit skin over the buff leather pouch.

    Frederick Narborough made identical bagpipe fittings, buckles, and cantles in solid nickel-silver and, more rarely, in Sterling Silver.

    When it arrived it proved to be Sterling Silver and hallmarked FN.

    I debated, when I was ordering a new leather body for my vintage Sterling Silver hinged FN cantle, whether to go with plain leather tassels or the sort with silver bells/balls like you see on a number of turn-of-the-century sporrans.

    I went with plain leather, but small decorative silver fittings to balance the silver cantle a bit. Here's the original body with rabbit skin removed, and the new Margaret Morrison leather body.

    However as I've been living with the sporran for months now I've come to think that the silver bells/balls would give an even better balance, and more of the retro look.

    So I took off the tassels, discarded the leather tops, and acquired some bells/balls (upper right).

    I slipped the bells on the braided cords and re-attached the tassels (lower left).

    I'm really pleased with the outcome (lower right).

    Here's a side-by-side before and after. I might end up putting the tassels a bit further down, I have around 1.5cm leeway.

    Here are both of my recent sporran projects side-by-side

    As always, brilliant taste, Richard.

  5. #4
    Join Date
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    Orange County California
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    Here's wearing the silver FN with MM rebag before and after the silver bells were added.

    It's a subtle difference perhaps, but I think it clearly is nicer with the bells.

    Proud Mountaineer from the Highlands of West Virginia; son of the Revolution and Civil War; first Europeans on the Guyandotte

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