View Full Version : Comments and Suggestions

  1. Suggestions and Comments
  2. avatar question (non kilt)
  3. Posting
  4. Inexpensive Accessories
  5. Moving posts
  6. Classifications
  7. Bit of a joke?
  8. Functions
  9. Site Sponsors
  10. Personnal Photo Albulms
  11. album question
  12. Come on lads!
  13. On/off topic
  14. Search of current or recent postings
  15. NEW COLORS...
  16. How can I change my username?
  17. "View posts since last visit" weirdness
  18. Just a suggestion
  19. Congratulations !
  20. Buy/Sell/Swap
  21. What do you think?
  22. Articles
  23. Chat?
  24. New Site Launch
  25. New Site Troubles?
  26. Re: Articles
  27. Common Questiins Page
  28. A off-beat idea.......?
  29. Help Me Out Gents
  30. Trying to get a picture uploaded and no luck!
  31. Bears link is Wrong
  32. Banners
  33. Adverts
  34. New Advertiser
  35. That 29 users online record
  36. Canada Kilt
  37. This is the appropriate place...
  38. Hank, an idea on another site...
  39. Private Groups
  40. Print friendly PMs
  41. Reference Gallery
  42. Apology to Hank
  43. File type not allowed
  44. The site forgets me
  45. Do-It-Yourself
  46. Chat Room
  47. Pop-ups and "keywords"...
  48. Site Links
  49. Realignment
  50. Realignment 2
  51. main home
  52. Reading orange type in posts
  53. X Market Additions
  54. Gallery link
  55. Celtic Heritage/History Channel
  56. Gallery "No Thumbnails"
  57. Search Engine
  58. Kiltmakers Database
  59. Personal Galleries
  60. List of Members
  61. personal gallery gone...
  62. Firefox
  63. How come I almost never get the new messges system to work?
  64. Email from Alan
  65. Off Topic
  66. Avatar Description
  67. Board Styles
  68. A Forum for Wives and Girlfriends of Kilted Gents - ?
  69. Flustermacated....
  70. "Newbies" Section
  71. Anniversary
  72. Member's Gallery
  73. New Layout
  74. Reviews
  75. Kilts Night Calender
  76. Help with navigation
  77. New Rule
  78. Angel of Death
  79. Is it the site or just my computer?
  80. New Idea for Forum
  81. Questions you'd like to see in Tartan/Kilt FAQ
  82. Name change revisted...
  83. Highland Games site...
  84. not sticky
  85. Just realized I could change the style! Wow!
  86. Signing in Issue
  87. Kiltmaker rating page
  88. New forum style
  89. Forum Issues
  90. Pictures
  91. private messages being weird
  92. Help
  93. How?
  94. Galleries
  95. Yes. I'm Bloody Sure!
  96. Chat Room
  97. "On Topic" Obsession, and overly stringent rules
  98. Kilted Weddings Forum....??
  99. A suggestion...
  100. And another suggestion
  101. Where's the love..
  102. Where are you?
  103. Kilt Reviews
  104. Kilt Map Project
  105. Celebrity FAQ
  106. XMARKS bumper stickers
  107. Kilt Counter?
  108. Guests on Forum
  109. New Forum Idea: So He Wants to Wear the Kilt
  110. soliciting submissions for:
  111. Avatars & PM's
  112. Suggestion for yanking a thread
  113. Official XmarksTheScot.com Calendar
  114. Chat ?
  115. Bear Kilts
  116. Valueless Responses
  117. Kilt Related Articles
  118. Some other Updates
  119. Kiltmakers directory
  120. The Bar?
  121. Total threads seen
  122. Map Link
  123. A Kilted Screensaver
  124. More than a one dimensional community.
  125. Boy do XMarkers talk a lot
  126. Vendor experience forum?
  127. Admin:Can we have the Ads removed please?
  128. Add PC to abbreviations FAQ
  129. X Marks Ads
  130. Just curious
  131. "Show us your pics" sub-forums?
  132. Celtic Font?
  133. smilies
  134. Show us your videos?
  135. More titles?
  136. Most users ever online was...
  137. How-To sub headings
  138. Where's Stillwater?
  139. Sweeping Video
  140. Bi-Focaled not bifurbicated
  141. Forum Headers?
  142. Images in forum signatures
  143. Weirdnesses?
  144. A extra navigation panel?
  145. Broken link in the main menu
  146. Favicon for XMTS
  147. Extraneous character
  148. Sorry for the hold-up
  149. Idea for new forum
  150. Show thread date on first page
  151. "Useful Term" list
  152. Traveling Tae Scotland Section?
  153. The Calendar
  154. minor suggestion
  155. Dealing with Dress Code Forum
  156. Referral Cards for supporters and XMTS
  157. Complaint
  158. Location Link?
  159. Sticky central?
  160. keep 'em tidy?
  161. time lag
  162. Regional Forums
  163. Clan/Family/District discussion section?
  164. Nice!
  165. What is this?
  166. Praise and a question
  167. I would like some info about this
  168. In English please?
  169. xmarks forums problem?
  170. Who is Hank?
  171. search function
  172. Mark Threads Read
  173. Business Cards
  174. A new sub-forum, perhaps?
  175. Sites of Interest
  176. kilt/Scot history
  177. Search results based on location for Kilt Nights
  178. Photo Gallery - Where's the old pic's?
  179. Posting pictures
  180. Thankyou Hank and the Mod.Squad.
  181. Search Feature
  182. Quoting
  183. Prom Night Photos
  184. Possible Enhancement?
  185. Friends
  186. Social Group Notification
  187. Invitation to post
  188. Add This Smiley!
  189. Heraldry and Tartans
  190. I'd like to ask a favor of the rabble.
  191. Is this a problem with the forums?
  192. moved thread
  193. Abbreviations (in the FAQ)
  194. Designating "vintage" threads.
  195. Replying to a question about advice?
  196. Scottish arms and armour
  197. Posting locations
  198. "view first unread"
  199. "vintage " (old) pictures.
  200. Suggestion for a Kilt Photo Gallery
  201. "Vendor" Reviews
  202. Closing threads down
  203. Newbie board
  204. Clan suggestion
  205. Kilt Dos and donts
  206. Sex
  207. A member map
  208. Sent messages Icons
  209. Members - need up-dating
  210. Kilt camp 2007
  211. we need a JONESING smiley
  212. Proud Warrior
  213. thank you
  214. Thread for members who pass away, or become seriously ill.
  215. Suggestion to recognize old threads
  216. "Kilt Don't"s vs. Anonymous Namecalling
  217. great forum
  218. For Sale Section
  219. Images limit per post...
  220. Finding your friends and fam on XMTS
  221. Post Count Query
  222. You've got to be kidding!
  223. Photo Style Threads?
  224. The For Sale Section
  225. What can XMTS do?
  226. The kilted MOD squad - How does it work?
  227. Account and profile information
  228. Did vBulletin lose its custom icons again?
  229. Social Groups
  230. XMTS Artisans and Crafty Folks List?
  231. Redundancy in the Kilt Nights & Kilt Nights
  232. re: A bit of a problem with the site
  233. Pet Peeve
  234. Personal Blogs
  235. Xmarksthescot--An online forum for Kiltaholics?
  236. KIVA link inactive
  237. What about adding a Convener Section?
  238. Moderators
  239. X marks sign at gatherings
  240. Member Rankings/Titles
  241. Finding the Tech question forum?
  242. EEEEK!! Change!
  243. Rule 11 Typo
  244. FAQ--How to post a picture TYPO
  245. Rule #6: PMs - Clarification/Explanation Needed
  246. More Communication
  247. Regarding the new web site format
  248. move the clock
  249. Soft Deletes In Profiles and Social Groups?
  250. Tartan background!
  251. We All "Need" Each Other
  252. 404 error
  253. Strange Error in viewing threads
  254. Missed opportunity to speak of TITLES
  255. Flagging a personal message
  256. General question to any Moderator
  257. Silly Title wanted, or not!
  258. Kudos: Photo of the Month
  259. Achievement unlocked
  260. linking and tagging
  261. Travelling? Which Xmarkers will be nearby
  262. Unable to post replies?
  263. Log In and other Difficulties
  264. Kilt Wiki?
  265. Friend's List?
  266. HTTP 404 - File not found
  267. Something to remember us by - XMTS cards?
  268. Names
  269. Off Topic Forum
  270. Photo size/handling improvement
  271. Photo archives?
  272. Difficulty Loading Forum Pages
  273. Robert Burns
  274. How long is to long
  275. XMarks Ties
  276. Buyer/Seller Feedback Forum
  277. Personal Message problem
  278. Duplicate Threads
  279. Where is the problem?
  280. Problems uploading photos to personal album
  281. New Photo of the Month
  282. Titles again.
  283. Request: Mobile Profile or App Integration
  284. Dedicated to the Jones
  285. Banned?
  286. The History of XMTS
  287. Log on "Remember Me?"
  288. Can we get a couple new smilies?
  289. Social Group ownership
  290. Location?
  291. Suggestion for Pic section.
  292. We need a bracket!
  293. Traditional Highland Dress
  294. The Search function needs a tweek.
  295. Maybe a Chat connection would be a nice function.
  296. Pipers
  297. Report-a-post
  298. Report-A-Post follow-up
  299. Kilt nights
  300. Forum being picked up as 18+ site
  301. Can't Keep Up
  302. Links
  303. Likes and Thanks?
  304. New Member Photos?
  305. Kilted Dating Forum?
  306. Incomplete Roster?
  307. DIY Suppliers ares?
  308. Do you feel safe?
  309. Kilt Photo Gallery not working?
  310. Tapatalk integration
  311. Stories
  312. Scottish Country Dancing
  313. Addition to calendar area
  314. Links?
  315. Financial support
  316. Membership Discussion of Possible Change to Rule #12
  317. "# of Kilts" field size
  318. Here We Are - Discussion on Rule 11 changes
  319. May We Please Have a "Like" Button?
  320. Thread for new post Comments to make to kilt lovers
  321. Posts in Tutorials and How-tos
  322. All Out of Aye's
  323. X marks lapel badge
  324. The Referundum Notice
  325. Should I be worried?
  326. No longer a question specifically for Jock
  327. What should be a minor coding change
  328. Registered Hobbyist Master List
  329. Gaelic deserves it!
  330. Mentioned and Tagged?
  331. I would like to submit a proposal to the membership
  332. Can we now please have the "Political" no-talk-about statement removed
  333. Possibility of "Auto-Subscribe" For Advertisers?
  334. Since the "what can we post here..."
  335. Since the "what can we post here..."
  336. This is the Thread Prefix test
  337. Traditional kilt section and Colin and Nathan's thread in Members written articles.
  338. Women’s wear
  339. Group Subscriptions
  340. Military kilt forum?
  341. Registered hobbyists
  342. Ebay
  343. XMarks "card"
  344. Site SSL Certificate
  345. Possible idea for a new sub forum.
  346. Continued Acknowledgement

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