View Full Version : Ontario

  1. SOKS April
  2. Tartan Day in Ottawa
  3. Highlander Pub in Ottawa
  4. May Day! May Day!
  5. Working in Ontario for a couple weeks
  6. Kilt Night At the RKilts Atelier May 14th
  7. SOKS June Kilt Night?
  8. Scottish Rogues in Burlington - SOKS
  9. Canada Day party
  10. SOKS - Late july Kilt Night - Supplemental? We're coming back....
  11. Glengarry Highland Games!
  12. Brampton - Homecoming 2009 Celebration
  13. Coming to Toronto in September--Should I bring a kilt?
  14. Visting Toronto Aug 15-17
  15. SOKS Kilt Day/Night late, late August
  16. Fergus Highland Games 09 roll call
  17. Scottish Studies Foundation Boat Cruise 09
  18. SOKS Alexander Keith's BDAY Kilt Night
  19. Attention SOKSers
  20. SOKS Kilt Night
  21. SOKS Burns Night 2010
  22. SOKS Seasick Sailors Kilt Night
  23. Time to fill the Christmas SOKS
  24. Looking for Willie Nelson's Pipes
  25. A Kilted Newbie Looking for Burns Celebrations in Ontario
  26. SOKS kilt night March??
  27. Burns night in Ottawa
  28. Ontario Welsh Festival, Stratford, April 30-May 2, 2010
  29. March Kilt Nite
  30. SOKS - St Paddy's Toronto
  31. Tartan day in Toronto?
  32. Highland Spring Fling, May 1
  33. Highland Games this summer??
  34. Kilt Night on the Shores of Lake Ontario!
  35. A question of proper Etiquette
  36. Calling All SOKS
  37. 4th Annual SOKS Burns Night
  38. Burns Night Kilt night??
  39. Tartan Day in Toronto?
  40. Toronto Indoor Piping Competition April 2nd
  41. St Paddy's Day in Toronto
  42. Stratford Kilt Night
  43. Meet the SOKS
  44. Jiffy Jeep! Kingston then Ottawa.
  45. Gathering
  46. St Andrews Day (November 30th)
  47. Burns Nite
  48. Kitchener Ceili Jan. 28th
  49. World famous Stratford Kilt night
  50. Calling all SOCKS - We're heading north.....
  51. St. Andrew's Day
  52. Burns Night Toronto 2013
  53. Stratford Symphony Celtic Rant Concert
  54. Toronto Kilted Pub Crawl
  55. Cambridge Highland Games
  56. Chris Tait visiting Toronto
  57. St. Andrew's Day Kilt Night - Toronto
  58. Burns Pub Night in Whitby!
  59. My Wee Jaunt Across The Pond
  60. Monthly kilt night in Toronto anyone?
  61. Going to Tilted Kilt wearing a Kilt.
  62. Tartan Day at the Caledonian
  63. Quaich at Tartan Tuesday! June 3rd
  64. Tartan Tuesday - Message for Glen
  65. 24th of June 700th Anniversary Battle of Bannockburn event
  66. July 8th Tartan Tuesday
  67. August 5th Tartan Tuesday
  68. Formal 3 Button Blackwatch Tartan Waistcoats
  69. Otttawa
  70. Kilt night in Thunder Bay?
  71. September 2nd Tartan Tuesday!
  72. October 7 tartan tuesday!
  73. Lanark County
  74. November 4 Tartan Tuesday Toronto!
  75. December 2nd Tartan Tuesday
  76. St Andrews Roguish Highland Dinner Cornwall Ontario
  77. Drink whisky for charity
  78. Mississauga Burns Supper
  79. Tonight! Tartan Tuesday Toronto!
  80. Toronto Tartan Tuesday - March 2015 edition!
  81. Tartan Tuesday Toronto - Tartan Day edition! April 7, 2015
  82. Tartan Tuesday Toronto - One Year Anniversary Party!
  83. Tartan Day Parliament Hill Ottawa 19 April
  84. Tartan Tuesday Tomorrow!
  85. Tartan Tuesday Thunder bay july 7th
  86. Tartan Tuesday Toronto | July Edition
  87. Tatan Tuesday Picnic in High Park
  88. Tartan Tuesday July 7th
  89. Tartan Tuesday August 4th
  90. September 1 Tartan Tuesday Toronto
  91. Tartan Tuesday Toronto Tonight! Oct 6, 2015
  92. Tartan Tuesday November 3rd
  93. Tartan Tuesday December 1st
  94. Tartan Tuesday Jan 5 2016
  95. Burns Night at the Naval Club of Toronto
  96. Tartan Tuesday February 2
  97. Tartan Tuesday 1st March
  98. Tartan Tuesday April 5th
  99. 2nd Anniversary Tartan Tuesday May 3rd 2016
  100. Tartan Tuesday June 7th
  101. Perth
  102. Tartan Tuesday July 5th
  103. Tartan Tuesday, August 2, 2016
  104. Tatan Tuesday September 6
  105. Tatan Tuesday October 4
  106. Tartan Tuesday November 1 2016 Toronto
  107. Tartan Tuesday 6 December
  108. Tartan Tuesday January 3, 2017
  109. Tartan Tuesday, April 4, 2017
  110. Tartan Tuesday 3rd Anniversary
  111. Tartan Tuesday July 25 Meet Macman
  112. Tartan Tuesday Tuesday, August 1st at The Feathers Pub
  113. Tartan Tuesday Sept 5 at the Feathers pub
  114. Tartan Tuesday April 10
  115. Tartan Tuesday July 3rd at the Feathers Pub
  116. Tartan Tuesday September 4 at The Duke of Cornwall Pub 400 University Ave.
  117. Tartan Tuesday Duke of Cornwall Pub 400 University Ave. October 2
  118. Tartan Tuesday Duke of Cornwall Pub 400 University Ave. November 6
  119. Tartan Tuesday Duke of Cornwall Pub 400 University Ave. December 6
  120. Tartan Tuesday Duke of Cornwall Pub 400 University Ave. January 8th
  121. FYI: Burns Dinners on 01/25/2019 and 01/23/2019!
  122. Tartan Tuesday Feb. 5th Duke of Cornwall Pub 400 University Ave.
  123. Tartan Tuesday Duke of Cornwall Pub 400 University Ave. March 19
  124. Tartan Tuesday Duke of Cornwall Pub 400 University Ave. April 2
  125. 5th Anniversary Tartan Tuesday Duke of Cornwall Pub 400 University Ave. May 7
  126. October 1st Tartan Tuesday
  127. Tartan Tuesday Zoom Meeting edition. April 7th
  128. Tartan Tuesday Zoom Meeting Anniversary edition 5th of May.

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