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Pages : [1] 2

  1. A question on ethics...
  2. Campbell tartans
  3. Clark tartan
  4. Tartan Choice
  5. Can anyone wear this tartan ?
  6. Did any regiment wear Royal Stewart?
  7. Which Tartans in Iraq?
  8. ID this tartan?
  9. Clan and District tartan history
  10. Erskine on kilt fashion
  11. help with tartan
  12. A New Family Tartan
  13. Clan regalia with National tartan
  14. MN Tartan
  15. Favorite tartan besides your family's
  16. Carolina, NC and SC Tartans
  17. What tartan
  18. Mehrtens Tartan
  19. Terminological Confusion
  20. St. Patrick's Irish Tartan?
  21. Should I or shouldn't I?
  22. Switzerland Has New Official Tartan.
  23. Another tartan I'm gonna have to have...
  24. Tartan width? Sett? Repeat? Stripe to Stripe?
  25. True tartan colors? Confusion...
  26. Personally authorized tartans
  27. Swatches!!
  28. My clan tartan (Henderson) being used by an Irish Pipe band?
  29. Tartan or just a pretty plaid?
  30. The right to wear a clan tartan
  31. Heritage of Ireland Plaid
  32. Wilson 083
  33. Who owns (or doesn't own) a kilt in their 'own' tartan?
  34. To Wear A Tartan.
  35. Mixing Similar Tartans?
  36. District Tartan Shirts
  37. Millenium tartan
  38. tell me more about asymetrical tartans
  39. Doing The Research
  40. Military tartans
  41. Clergy/Clarke Tartan
  42. Town Tartans
  43. What 'universal' tartans do you like?
  44. Question about Scottish Lloyd tartans....
  45. Tartan Ferret at STA
  46. Can a Tartan be Tattooed Well?
  47. Help me find my tartan(s).
  48. Tartan not a uniquely Scottish device
  49. Purdue University Tartan?
  50. Dress tartans
  51. Tartan orientation question
  52. Custom: MN Tartan
  53. Teams colours search leading to the Irish National Tartan.
  54. Help with Weavers Tartan Identification
  55. Tartan Question!
  56. How to Count a Tartan
  57. New military tartan
  58. Tartan ID please
  59. Design your own tartan
  60. Oren tartan?
  61. Confederate tartan question
  62. Who belongs to this Tartan?
  63. Why have I never heard of the Gordon blue?
  64. Fergus
  65. A good Christmas kilt
  66. Kilt in Cian Tartan?
  67. Barclay, Davis & Gunn
  68. Name this tartan?
  69. Restriction on wearing tartan "the Devil's oath"
  70. purple tartans
  71. Mississippi state tartan
  72. Colorado State Tartan
  73. Clerk / Clergy Tartans
  74. I didn't know that
  75. Which tartan should i choose
  76. Hopefully clearing up some questions
  77. Setwart question
  78. California State Tartan
  79. Formula 51/51st State tartan...
  80. Let's play "Identify These Tartans"
  81. What is this tartan?
  82. Spotted in Cyprus
  83. MacNicholas
  84. Tartan Question.
  85. Dress Tartans
  86. Tartan ID ?
  87. fashion tartan?
  88. Red and White
  89. Hebrides Region Tartan?
  90. To pleat to the sett or pleat to the stripe, that is the question
  91. Matt...I need your help! :)
  92. New tartan available
  93. MacGregor Tartans: Colour differences?
  94. Name this tartan
  95. Name this tartan
  96. Black Watch tartan
  97. Glasgow University Tartan
  98. Tartan Search Site
  99. Kentucky Tartan
  100. New Alabama Tartan
  101. Geologist's Tartan
  102. anyone know what tartan this is...
  103. Ah, but which tartan?
  104. Photos of County Kilkenny tartan?
  105. Black Watch Tartan Origin?
  106. Grant ancient tartan in formal attire
  107. probably generic, but...
  108. There's something about these kilts
  109. Help in ID.
  110. Snodgrass Clan Tartan
  111. Quick Question
  112. Need garnet and yellow tartan
  113. Can anyone help?
  114. Probably Been Asked
  115. West Virginia has a state tartan!
  116. What is your tartan? What is your favorite?
  117. Wearing a tartan if not Celtic heritage
  118. "Freedom" tartan?
  119. Hunting Stewart.
  120. ID on a tartan please
  121. ID on a tartan
  122. How does D.C. Dalgliesh price its short runs?
  123. Tartan ID Please
  124. Curiosity... Shepherd Tartan?
  125. What tartan do the SCOTS units wear?
  126. If it warna' fa the weavers, whar would we be? - moved to Tartans & Heraldry
  127. Confusion about Lord Lyon and the Registry of Tartans
  128. Vote for your favourite tartans
  129. New Druid Tartan
  130. House of Tartan generator / Register of Tartans conflict?
  131. RRS tartan sett
  132. New Rabbinical Tartan
  133. Mizzou Plaid
  134. Origin and Use of "Dress" Tartans
  135. Irn Bru tartan
  136. got german heritage?
  137. Another Tartan I.D.
  138. tartan id/ kilts in the media
  139. How do you explain the X-marks tartan?
  140. Roxburgh tartan
  141. PV Kilt material for the G/L/T
  142. Please tell me what makes a GREAT tartan design.
  143. Tartan Banner
  144. Could someone please name this tartan?
  145. Tartan ID
  146. prohibited tartans
  147. ID on a tartan please
  148. White Tartans
  149. New Tartan to Benefit Black Watch Heritage Appeal
  150. Leslie tartan fabric
  151. Another Tartan ID
  152. Xmarks variants?
  153. My tartan registered with Scottish Register of Tartans!
  154. Campbell of cawdor dress?
  155. Isle of Skye: Marton Mills PV vs. Lochcarron 16 ounce Wool
  156. Native American/First Nations tartans?
  157. "Kirking of the Tartans" a recent American Invention?
  158. Why are some plaids universal?
  159. Ulster options
  160. What Tartan?
  161. Tartan registry down
  162. Tartan ID please
  163. What's my tartan?
  164. Critique My Tartan Please
  165. Clan MacEvil
  166. So I'm researching tartan vesus plaid...
  167. Roxburgh Red
  168. MacDonald of Glenaladale Tartan
  169. Origin of the MacKenzie tartan ?
  170. Lindsey Vonn's pink tartan...
  171. Dress tartan = failed concept?
  172. Genealogical conundrum
  173. Cameron Black and Red from HOE Old and Rare Collection
  174. Something I don't know about after all these years...
  175. Galician tartan
  176. SCO rugby tartan?
  177. Interesting choice of tartan
  178. New web site for Scottish Tartans Authority
  179. More of my tartans
  180. Tartan proliferation -- good or bad?
  181. MacLeod of Harris Swatches from Scotweb
  182. To The Bear Tartan Social Group
  183. Canadian tartans
  184. Chief's Choice
  185. Morris Clan
  186. HoE Modern
  187. State Tartans
  188. One Gorgeous Tartan
  189. Unknown Tartan - Orange, Blue, White only
  190. The Tartan Weaver's Guide
  191. Can someone ID this tartan?
  192. Bloody Campbell
  193. Time for a New York State tartan?
  194. MacDonald of Islay & Kintyre / MacDonnell of Dun Naibhig & The Glens Tartan
  195. Tennessee Tartan
  196. Tartan ID please
  197. A US Tartan
  198. Atholl Highlanders
  199. amazing variation in anc hunting Fraser
  200. Time to VOTE for a NY State tartan
  201. Missouri Tartan
  202. Favourite Sett Size
  203. Fantastic tartan!!!!
  204. Custom-Run of Hunting MacMillan in Reproduction Colors
  205. Teacher's Tartan?
  206. Cornish tartan concepts
  207. Tartans of Canada's Highland Regiments
  208. 42nd Band Sett
  209. Confirming Poll for NYS Tartan Proposal
  210. State of Utah Tartan - Anyone interested?
  211. Slightly Miffed
  212. Titanic Tartan
  213. Torn Between Two Tartans
  214. Checking if a Tartan is registered.
  215. Official?
  216. Burnett's and Struth model
  217. Tunes of Glory?
  218. Project Clanranald WoB
  219. Mighty Men tartan
  220. Tartan ID ???
  221. Tartan ID ?????
  222. Tartan Advice
  223. Blue and Green Tartans
  224. MacMillan and Buchanan
  225. Tartan design
  226. The Two New Mexico Tartans - Clarification
  227. More Tartan ID's
  228. Jan Crook
  229. Tartan opinion
  230. An Elusive Combination
  231. Various Fraser Setts
  232. Yet Another Tartan to ID
  233. Circus/rainbow tartan/plaid wanted
  234. WIP Tartan Design - Suggestions Please!
  235. Was Tartan ever actually banned?
  236. Robeson tartan
  237. Maple Leaf Tartan- represents all tartans?
  238. Pleating options (RAF Tartan)
  239. Help researching some Nova Scotia artefacts
  240. State Troopers in State Tartans
  241. tartan designer
  242. Tartan Worn By Bill Millin
  243. Mighty Men II
  244. Oettle tartans
  245. tartan id
  246. Papal Tartan
  247. Help identifying a tartan
  248. Blogpipe and the Maitland Tartan
  249. Diluted tartan?
  250. Tartan Quilts??
  251. More on the St. Ninian tartan
  252. NEW universal Irish tartan
  253. Tartan is incorrect
  254. Why don't more people wear old non-clan tartans?
  255. Tartan evolving into plaid
  256. Any ideas what tartan this might be? Or...
  257. Tartan question.
  258. Ancient tartan patern
  259. Indian pipe bands
  260. A new tartan design
  261. How colours fade
  262. New University of Alabama tartan
  263. Tartan question, hunting and dress
  264. Viyella tartan book
  265. Cameron of Erracht Tartan
  266. How to find sett size on mill websites?
  267. Tartan ID Please
  268. how many PV tartans?
  269. The wearing of Tartan
  270. Anyone familiar with Heritage of Scotland tartan fabrics?
  271. Tartan of an Unknown Jacobite Lady
  272. Murray of Tullibardine
  273. Is this the earliest piece of WOB tartan to survive?
  274. What tartan is the Argyll wearing?
  275. Anybody know?
  276. MacDonald of Kingsburgh - Original vs Old & Rare
  277. Not Quite MacLeod of Lewis
  278. Plaid from Culloden
  279. Discovered - another WOB Sample Book
  280. Tartan wish list for new kilts
  281. any ID for this one?
  282. Help identifying a tartan
  283. Scottish Burns Tartan?
  284. lovely, but mysterious: Kennedy?
  285. N Batley Ltd contact info needed
  286. Is this an official tartan?
  287. Help with tartan?
  288. Piece of the month - What do you see
  289. identification needed
  290. My own tartan, or settle for an existing?
  291. My custom tartan...
  292. MacDonald Of Clanranald Tartan
  293. Traditonal Selvedge Techniques
  294. Is this an official tartan?
  295. What do you think of this? A tartan based upon a military decoration!
  296. custom weave pv?
  297. For my Grandfather
  298. Old Culloden Tartan thread...
  299. Tartan Weaving in the Pacific NW?
  300. January Tartan of the Month - What do you see?
  301. Designing a New Tartan
  302. Ok,let's give these a shot...
  303. Navy Tartan Question
  304. Help identifying tartan please
  305. James Pringle Picnic Blanket tartan?
  306. Tartan on the Bias?
  307. Possible new weaver in Northern California
  308. MacEwan modern poly-viscose
  309. Goose eye - A different style of weave
  310. What's this tartan? Monday morning fun
  311. new tartan thoughts
  312. History of the MacGregor of Cardney Tartan?
  313. New Tartan Advice
  314. Norwegian Centennial Tartan
  315. February - Tartan of the Month
  316. Kiltmaker's Input Requested, & Who Wants Cthulu Tartan Yardage?
  317. A Parrot Tartan
  318. Any idea what this tartan is?
  319. where to find this tartan
  320. Sunday Challenge
  321. Some assistance identifying tartans?
  322. Modern blue clergy tartan
  323. Which Tartan to choose?
  324. Verification please
  325. Dutch Friendship Tartan-Anyone want in?
  326. Stillwater Banner Kilt?
  327. Identifying odd tartan
  328. Tartan of the Month - March
  329. Blue and Red Rob Roy Tartan?
  330. Gem State Box Pleated
  331. Hi Res images
  332. Stewart of Fingask Vs Duke of Perth
  333. Maple Leaf Tartan now official!
  334. Photo of Edinburgh District kilt please
  335. Have multiple pictures of over 10 kilts ....
  336. New Crichton (Clan) tartan by Brian Wilton
  337. Douglas of a different stripe
  338. Interested in Harley Davidson in wool?
  339. Federal Memorial Tartan
  340. Modern weathered tartans
  341. Estate Checks
  342. nrd L ert
  343. Gordon tartan variations
  344. Tartan of the Month - April
  345. A run of MM PV Maple leaf?
  346. Inherited pocket square, which tartan?
  347. Grey Thistle Tartan
  348. RGB for WoB
  349. Spirit of 1994
  350. For Dad
  351. Introducing the Ellis Island Tartan
  352. Please help me identify this tartan!
  353. What do you guys (squids and jarheads) think of this tartan?
  354. Someone wanted Clan Chattan Tartan from Oz
  355. Selvedge types, swish v- durability choice
  356. had some fun designing a tartan for....
  357. Tartan of the Month - May. What do you see?
  358. Lightest tartan material?
  359. Arran tartans
  360. Vestiarium Scoticum text available online?
  361. D.C. Dalgliesh weavers - how to help us rescue this vitally important mill
  362. Musings on the West Virginia tartan
  363. Hodden Gray kilt fabric...where?
  364. Springbok rugby tartan
  365. Is Lochcarron Losing Their Edge?
  366. what happens to imperfect tartan?
  367. Cancer Tartan
  368. Predominantly Black Tartans?
  369. Loccharron's Holyrood Tartan - Available in Strome?
  370. TOPIC: Clan Tartan or Weaver "Oops"?
  371. New kilt being made while on vacation
  372. Austrian tartans
  373. different way of tartan design/marketing?
  374. A better setting for the Murray of Atholl
  375. Afganistan Memorial Tartan
  376. Name that tartan
  377. Tartan of the Month - June. What do you see?
  378. thompson for giveaway?
  379. Harris tweed
  380. Information on Gem.
  381. Jah Man!
  382. Tartan help
  383. Identify this Tartan
  384. eBay special - is it even registered?
  385. New ABF Tartan Registered
  386. Help identifying this blue tartan please
  387. Cotton or a blend for hot weather?
  388. Tartan supplier on ebay
  389. Tartan & Copyright
  390. Tartan Identification Help
  391. Tartan of the Month - July. What do you see?
  392. A new tartan
  393. Tartan ID assistance
  394. What tartan is this?
  395. Tartan Unknown ?
  396. Critique my tartan design. what do you think ?
  397. Killoran tartan?
  398. The antiquity of the Lennox tartan
  399. Brown? What tartan!? Who is to know!
  400. Non-descript tartan, made in Italy!
  401. Tartan genealogy
  402. 1822 Bi-centenary
  403. New fraternity tartan... what now?
  404. can i wear this
  405. tartan on a skirt
  406. How Long To Weave 8 Yards Of Tartan?
  407. Tartan of the Month - August: What do you see?
  408. Does anyone recognize this tartan?
  409. It has arrived!
  410. Potential Family Tartan Critique
  411. Always wondered - time to ask
  412. Assistance needed in the identification of this tartan.
  413. Old Culloden Tartan
  414. tartan suggestion?
  415. Buchanan Tartan and pleats
  416. Tartan in the movie Devils Brigade
  417. Suggestions for getting a custom tartan woven.
  418. Designing a tartan and need help
  419. The Original MacDougall Tartan Revived
  420. Thrift store kilt
  421. Can I (or you) identify mill by selvedge?
  422. Tartan Identification Required Please
  423. A Sportkilt in my Personal Tartan?!
  424. Tartan of the month - September: What do yo see?
  425. What tartan
  426. Tartan Weight
  427. Buchanan Mess
  428. Thoughts on 18oz MoD tartan material
  429. Identify my tartan
  430. Help to identify this tartan
  431. Sett Size
  432. Please help me identifty this piece of tartan.
  433. Cascadian Bioregional tartan
  434. Another tartan needs identification
  435. What tartan is this?
  436. what Tartan is this??
  437. Tartan help?
  438. 2 Tartan ID's Please
  439. Tartan of the month - October: What do yo see?
  440. Smith Tartan
  441. tartan purse
  442. Pricing???
  443. State of Arizona Tartan - My Favorite!
  444. Tartan Article
  445. Zulu Tartan
  446. Good evening, Ladies & Bruces
  447. 18oz. tartan?
  448. Tartan of the month - November: What do yo see?
  449. New Panda Tartan
  450. Meaning of Tartan's ?
  451. Cameron Tartan
  452. 'Rode hard and put up wet'
  453. Tartan tweed kilt selvedge ?
  454. Images of tartans
  455. Buy Land, Get Tartan!
  456. Co. Tyrone tartan?
  457. Drumlanrig tartan?
  458. Weathered/Reproduction Color Translations
  459. Gearing up for a custom weave... help a brother out!
  460. Mystery Tartan
  461. R'yleh Sett Threadcount?
  462. Tartan of the month - December: What do you see?
  463. Baker Tartan - Advice from Xmarks
  464. Help identify this tartan and subject
  465. Blue & Gold tartans- again
  466. Tartan photo gallery
  467. Pls help identify this tartan
  468. What's the take-home message here?
  469. Pendleton wool tartan???
  470. A Question for the Experts: What are your favorite old setts?
  471. So...about that Tunes Of Glory...
  472. Unkown tartan bought in Chile
  473. Has anyone ever heard of "Balmoral Claret" Tartan?
  474. Tartan of the Month - January 12: what do you see?
  475. Help with Tartan ID
  476. Scotweb Tartan Designer - weathered colors?
  477. disappoinment with Cthulu tartan
  478. Doodling with a Sett
  479. Selvage images
  480. R'Lyeh Sett - Double or Single Width?
  481. R'Lyet tartan query
  482. Tartan of the Month - Feb 12: what do you see
  483. Does anyone know this tartan?
  484. Identify this tartan?
  485. Newly registered Christmas Tartan
  486. space dyed yarn
  487. All Ireland Blue Group Buy
  488. Hunting MacLeod tartan tweed suit
  489. Which Tartan Sounds Best?
  490. Another: What tartan is this?
  491. Tartan ID
  492. Texas Aggies tartan
  493. XMarks sub color?
  494. Lochranza Tartan
  495. Tartan of the Month - Apr 12: what do you see?
  496. Two Color Tartans?
  497. name this tartan, please
  498. Help Identifying this Tartan
  499. Time for another round of "ID this tartan, please"
  500. Tartan Identity Please!!
  501. Murray of Atholl Stripe pleats
  502. Maybe... Maybe NOT
  503. Lord John Drummond - a reconstruction of his tartan
  504. What tartan is this?
  505. Help, Identifying tartan
  506. Another ID puzzle...
  507. The Royal Company of Archers
  508. Received this tartan as a gift - clueless on the ID.
  509. Tartan of the Month - May 12: What do you see?
  510. two new galleries on the museum page
  511. Big announcement: new full Tartan Library showing all variant colourways
  512. changing ONE colour in anc Fraser
  513. And We Were Worried !?
  514. Autism Awareness
  515. OK, what is this?
  516. Another ..Name that Tartan Thread ;)
  517. Grey & Claret tartans?
  518. Interesting MacPherson Portrait
  519. Queen Victoria's Tartans?
  520. New edition of the 1819 Key Pattern Book now available
  521. Tartan of the Month - Jun 12: What do you see?
  522. MacFrog Tartan
  523. Caledonia - A Tartan for the Color Blind
  524. Tartan for surname curneen
  525. Evidence of a regional motif in old plaids from Appin and Lorn
  526. help identifying a tartan
  527. district tartans
  528. US Army tartan variant shades
  529. MacTavish-Thompson Green
  530. Tartan of the Month - Jul 12. What do you see?
  531. Munro Hunting (Black Watch, Campbell, etc.) in Harris Tweed
  532. Searching for California State tartan (Ancient)
  533. Scottish-American Athletic Association tartan
  534. Please Identify this Dress Tartan
  535. New STA web site launched
  536. Name this tartan?
  537. Tartan and weaving monographs
  538. Jewish Tartan
  539. first kilt / Flemish tartan
  540. Tartan ID question on an antique photograph
  541. Dundhuin tartans
  542. St. David's tartan cilt - Where to Buy?
  543. Tartan of the Month - Aug 12: What do you see?
  544. Clan Pollock Tartan ID Request
  545. The Scottish Register of Tartans is now on Facebook!
  546. Is this the end of special order cloth?
  547. New Tartan Registered
  548. Where can I get Colorado tartan?
  549. Name that Tartan
  550. Question about red based tartans
  551. Tartan Scraps Needed
  552. Getting a Tartan Registered
  553. What tartan is this?
  554. New Tartan - Dress Blue
  555. can anyone identify this tartan
  556. Hunting Stewart: a Universal Tartan?
  557. Do Mitchells wear Mitchell
  558. U. S. Air Force tartan now available in medium weight.
  559. Highland Avenger
  560. Blue and Green Tartans that *aren't* derived from the Government Sett?
  561. Tartan Design Critique
  562. Proposed Appalachain Regional Tartan
  563. Is this a Military Tartan??
  564. Don't copy a tartan...
  565. MacDonald Highlanders 76 regiment
  566. Red and green tartan identification
  567. Cameron of Erracht "Modern"
  568. New Texas Tartan
  569. Official Missouri tartan
  570. Help with identifying several tartans
  571. 42nd Band Tartan Reconstruction
  572. why are these the 13 most popular tartans?
  573. Interesting vintage tartan Oddfellows Fraternal Order sash
  574. Tartan or not?
  575. "New" Clan MacTavish Dress Tartan
  576. Origins of the Dunblane Tartan
  577. Another Hunting Stewart thread
  578. Tartan Harris Tweed Jacket on eBay
  579. Its Time to Play Name That Tartan!
  580. Weathered Clan Chattan Tartan?
  581. Diana, Princess of Wales Tartan by Lochcarron
  582. Travel Rug
  583. Where to find thread count?
  584. With your kind indulgence
  585. 'First tartan' on Roman statue
  586. Help me identify this tartan?
  587. Which which is which? Arizona tartan.
  588. Kilt tells its Story
  589. Tartan Tablet Cover
  590. Autism/Aspergers Awareness Tartan?
  591. Can anyone identify this tartan?
  592. Glenorchy - the original setting
  593. Tartan concepts, input appreciated
  594. Tartan Questions
  595. Interesting specimen
  596. Messing about with tartan designs
  597. Looking for advice on my tartan trials
  598. R'lyeh Sett round 2?
  599. Looking for my family's tartan
  600. Use of white in a tartan: condemed to look like a "dress tartan"?
  601. A Tartan of My Own
  602. Family tartan evolution
  603. Thoughts on Studying Tartan
  604. Irish National Tartan History?......
  605. Arran tartans again
  606. Thread count problems
  607. Tartan copyright question
  608. Contact info for N Batley Ltd, February 2013
  609. MacGregor Black & Red (aka Rob Roy)
  610. Humour the buffoon
  611. More messing about with tartan designs
  612. United States Hunting Tartan - a bit of a laugh
  613. What tartans are "Notable"?
  614. "A Tale of the '45", painting by James Hamilton - what tartan?
  615. Navajo Medicine Man's Tartan Headband
  616. Cameron of Erracht appropriateness
  617. Can anyone help identify?
  618. McGamecocks...
  619. The King Robert the Bruce Memorial Tartan
  620. "San Diego Tartan Day" seeks official district tartan recognition
  621. Military Order of the Purple Heart Tartan
  622. And it was never seen again ...
  623. Have you ever shopped here? Checking out tartan fabric.
  624. Irish Ancestry tartans
  625. Tartan ID help
  626. Question on Macpherson Hunting
  627. Question about viewing tartan and tartan as an art
  628. Tartan or plaid?
  629. District tartan Macpherson
  630. Id tartan please
  631. PCE Stuart v Stewart CE
  632. Is this where I should ask? Looking for MCCALLUM tartan fabric, ribbon- short notice
  633. New tartan
  634. Plaid from Culloden - an update and some Canadian assistance needed.
  635. Tartan ID ?
  636. Opinions on a couple of tartan designs.
  637. I'm not very good at identifying tartans, would you help?
  638. Tartan Question ... Can i wear it ?
  639. Anybody by the surname STEPHEN or MATHIESON out there?
  640. What tartan is this?
  641. Nightstalker Tartan?
  642. Designing a Tartan
  643. Ramsay Clan - Any other associated tartans
  644. Antigonish Plaids
  645. Shaw (Modern) Comparing Sett Sizes and Colour Pallates
  646. Orkney Tartan?
  647. Weathered tartan question
  648. Grant Hunting Tartan
  649. Can anyone identify this Tartan?
  650. Swan Tartan
  651. Minimalist?
  652. Batley Weavers?
  653. Tartan Identity (if possible)
  654. Having your own tartan!
  655. Do you know this?
  656. Reproduction colors vs. modern colors?
  657. Name That Tartan (Red White and Blue Color Scheme)
  658. About color Pallets adn custom weaves
  659. Found - after many years searching: the original MacRae of Ardentoul
  660. second kilt can anyone tell me the tartan and age ?
  661. District and royal tartan oddities
  662. "It's not really a tartan then is it"
  663. For the Ladies...
  664. OK, Tartanistas! I have a challenge for you!
  665. Please help identifying a Tartan
  666. Confused !
  667. royal stewart tartan
  668. Rourke-Frew Hunting design hints
  669. Hunting tartan design revisited
  670. Registration turn-around time?
  671. Apollo 12 Tartan
  672. Playing guess the tartan is tough
  673. Mystery tartan
  674. A tartan for the Merchant Marine Service
  675. A friends mystery tartan
  676. Looking for least expensive fabric for clan parade banner
  677. Samuel L Jackson tartan ID?
  678. Designing a New Tartan for Aberdeenshire
  679. Highland Brewing, Ashville NC has new tartan
  680. Where to get a swatch for Tennessee State Tartan
  681. Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby
  682. What tartan is that
  683. Is this an actual tartan?
  684. the fabric man
  685. Help identifying tartan
  686. Drummond, Lord John (1739) - reconstruction of 18th century tartan
  687. Young's Modern Sett Size?
  688. Macnaughton Tartan -- countertrade, anyone interested?
  689. Explaining a tartan
  690. Team Scotland Tartan for the Commonwealth Games in Glasgow
  691. Buchanalmost tartan?
  692. Fibonacci Tartan
  693. Anyone recognise this?
  694. Yellow and blue tartan
  695. Orion Nebula tartan now a reality
  696. Missing Color in the Anderson Tartan
  697. Orkney/Firth tartan
  698. Presbyterian tartan?
  699. Can someone identify this tartan for me, please?
  700. Campbell or Black Watch
  701. MacMillan Hunting pleating options
  702. Tartan ID please
  703. Tartan of the original 78th (Fraser's Highlanders)
  704. Collegiate tartans - my old school
  705. Tartan identification
  706. recreating tartan from memory 40 years on
  707. Help redsigning a tartan
  708. Cameron of Erracht muted: kilt picture anyone?
  709. # tartans to ID please
  710. Cameron of Locheil - some help needed
  711. University of North Texas Tartan Contest
  712. MacDonald of Clanranald (1914)
  713. Does anyone know anything about Welsh tartans?
  714. Black Watch-esque tartan
  715. Tartan or tablecloth?
  716. Strathearn?
  717. Buffalo check
  718. The end of traditional tartan - a personal view
  719. Forbes or Lamont?
  720. Dalrymple tartan, who's interested?
  721. American tartans
  722. Will The Real Stewart Royal Please Stand Up?
  723. Murray of Ochtertyre - A reappraisal
  724. Another Original Newsome on its way
  725. How many tartans are there?
  726. Which Tartan Up Date
  727. Identifying tartans?
  728. Tartan in an old ATS video
  729. Can anyone identify this tartan?
  730. Naming of old tartans - how to get it wrong
  731. Is this an asymmetric tartan?
  732. Scrimgeour
  733. Tartan ID Help
  734. A new Aberdeenshire tartan unveiled to the public
  735. Feedback on this Tartan
  736. Another Tartan to ID, please.
  737. Is there a City of Chicago tartan?
  738. Modifying and Registering a Tartan
  739. Know this tartan?
  740. wilson colors in tweed
  741. leatherneck large sett
  742. Tartan ID (Old B&W Photo)
  743. Masonic Tartan
  744. Any ideas on this one?
  745. Tartan identification
  746. I need your help in identifing this tartan !
  747. Ushant tartan
  748. Unknown tartan
  749. An Interesting Experiment (Not for the Faint of Heart!)
  750. Gordon Tartan anyone?
  751. Macpherson Tartan Question
  752. What is this tartan?
  753. An extraordinary invitation & unique Tartan opportunity
  754. please identify this tartan
  755. Some tartans I've woven - where are they now
  756. Auction for A framed fragment of Prince Charles Edward Stuart's tartan
  757. Need help identifying this tartan
  758. STR New Tartans - Automatic Updates
  759. 42nd Coarse Kilt material with selvedge mark
  760. ancioent tartan- ID, please
  761. MacDonald of the Isles as a Military Tartan
  762. The Scottish Wildcat Tartan thread: conceived here on X-Marks!
  763. Blue & Gold tartan concept
  764. A new USA tartan.
  765. chattan tartan
  766. another mystery tartan
  767. Scottish Wildcat Tartan - final steps
  768. Tartan Housecoat
  769. Cameron of Loch Erracht?
  770. Another Tartan weaver that you may not be aware of...
  771. Another Tartan stumper
  772. What's that tartan, really?
  773. Let's play guess the tartans - what do you see?
  774. A tartan for the King of Monsters
  775. Tartan ID help please
  776. See thru tartan, ID?
  777. A tartan reborn
  778. Another old tartan
  779. MacDonald of Kingsburgh - reqweave in original setting and colours
  780. Campbell Dress vs Gordon Dress? How to differentiate?
  781. The Devil's Brigade Tartan
  782. Help identifying three Tartans
  783. help with ID of Ebay tartan
  784. Wiki wrong tartan
  785. Fresh from the Finishers....The 1790 MacDuff Tartan lives again!
  786. trying unusual colours
  787. Any interest in the Carolina tartan in the Ancient color scheme?
  788. 2 threadcounts = 1 tartan ?
  789. FIRES tartan
  790. Just wondering
  791. Another Wildcat Tartan update
  792. Name that tartan...
  793. New kilt, unknown name of tartan
  794. Garage sale tartan identification?
  795. Is this Nicolson/MacNicol or not?
  796. First Minister sports tartan
  797. yet another tartan ID question... sorry...
  798. origin of Cameron of Erracht?
  799. Help me identify this?
  800. Earl of Inverness
  801. Black weathered
  802. Custom colors for a custom weave of MacRurie tartan
  803. Updating papers
  804. STA members, can you help
  805. Tartan identification
  806. Robinson
  807. Identification of tartan
  808. Thoughts on Dalrymple
  809. Bomb Disposal Tartan
  810. Edinburgh University Tartan material
  811. Culloden Tartan - Reweave of the original. Anyone interested?
  812. Canadian Wounded Warrior Tartan
  813. further access to the Scottish Wildcat Tartan
  814. Britons (North) (Loyal) Volunteers (Middlesex)?
  815. tartan identifier
  816. An eBay Find
  817. Need help with a regimental Tartan
  818. Another eBay gem
  819. Creating a tartan for my college
  820. Grey & Claret (take two)
  821. Morrison tartan in 50/50 Wool/Arcylic at Got Kilt
  822. Looking for a Military Weight Tartan
  823. STR New Tartans - Automatic Updates Down Again
  824. Scottish Wildcat Tartan: first look
  825. The Moy Hall Plaid - A good day's research
  826. What's this tartan and what else do you see?
  827. Scottish Wildcat first kilt
  828. Campbell Ancient options/thoughts
  829. Helping out a friend
  830. Robertson Red help needed
  831. An Invitation to the Second Run of the 1790 MacDuff Tartan
  832. Wildcat Tartan second run
  833. MacDonald of Glenaladale - reweave of the original setting
  834. Outlander Tartans soon to be available through The Celtic Croft
  835. Tartan Design Question
  836. mismatching tartans on Ebay, which?
  837. Andy Murray's Wedding
  838. New Development in the Scottish Wildcat Tartan saga
  839. Tartan ID?
  840. huge sett size
  841. Missing Culloden tartan
  842. Davidson of Tulloch Blue?
  843. Jacobite era tartans still in use today
  844. DD Day
  845. Information for tartan buyers
  846. Gordon sett size
  847. Carlow county tartan
  848. Tartan Design Idea (Phase Two I guess)
  849. Traditional Natural Dyes
  850. Anyone recognize this?
  851. Raeburn Portrait & the VS "Menzies" Plate
  852. Wildcat Tartan - second run
  853. Does Marton Mills make medium weight Cuillins of Skye tartan?
  854. Black & blue, but only my checkbook is bruised.
  855. Ó Farrell Tartan Anyone?!
  856. Tartan? & construction query?
  857. Mills and color substitution questions
  858. Dealing with Andrew Elliot Ltd
  859. Tartan price comparison - Wilsons' and today
  860. Can anyone identify this tartan
  861. 42nd with red stripe
  862. Hebrides Tartan
  863. Mystery tartan
  864. Asymmetric Clark Tartan, plus a mystery tartan (to me anyway)
  865. Flash identification help, please
  866. Mystery Tartan
  867. Where marketing fails with flying colors.
  868. Help identify tartans please
  869. Registering a new tartan
  870. Gordon modern?
  871. personal tartan
  872. Help in identifying tartan
  873. Roach (2015)
  874. Some Cameron Questions
  875. Porter & Stone Balmoral tartans
  876. All Hands On Deck!....Tartan and Clan Badge "Mystery"??
  877. MacDonald of The Isles Tartan
  878. I REALLY like the Craigie Plaid Heather tweed
  879. 42nd Band Tartan
  880. Thoughts on this one?
  881. Anybody seen this little book?
  882. Small piece of Carolina wanted
  883. Roach(2015) Tartan set to weave. Anyone interested?
  884. What is the Black Watch and What is a Royal Stewart
  885. American Indian tribes in kilts; tribe tartan?
  886. Reconstruction of the 64th (Loudoun's Highlanders) tartan
  887. A nice piece
  888. Haig Check
  889. Wildcat Tartan update - second weaving
  890. Re-weave of the oriignal 79th tartan
  891. Outlander tartans: Questions
  892. Identify this tartan?
  893. Clan or Sept Tartan?
  894. HOE's inconsistent naming, Drummond of Perth
  895. Abergeldie Castle - Gordon of Abergeldie tartan
  896. ID of tartan
  897. Possibly the original specimen of Prince Charles Edward tartan
  898. Tartan ID
  899. Wild Cat Tartan - third run, deadline for ordering 14 February
  900. Lord Lovat tartan?
  901. Tartan
  902. Tartan Challenge
  903. Photo ID Challenge
  904. Marton Mills 'Balmoral' Poly/Viscose Tartan
  905. Alberta Modern - Seeking interest
  906. What is HSH Charlene's Tartan?
  907. A question about Hamilton tartan
  908. Verifying Particular Tartans
  909. Tartan Design Questions
  910. leather tartan kilts?
  911. Vestiarium Scoticum - the tartan Pandora's box
  912. New tartan arrived Yay!!!!
  913. Do any of the weathered tartans have official clan recognition?
  914. An old piece in modern colours
  915. From Coat of Arms to Tartan: The Cadilhac Case.
  916. Tartan Design Feedback
  917. Where is this early 19th century coat?
  918. Identifying tartan
  919. Kilt for Macdonald of dunnyveg
  920. Need help to ID a Tartan.
  921. Playing around with some new tartan designs
  922. Arizona Tartan
  923. Help identifying and ordering tartan
  924. Wilsons' Prince Charles Edward - variations on a theme
  925. Help with identification of tartan
  926. Earl of Standews
  927. Sam Heughan Is Designing His Own Tartan Collection
  928. Tartan Identification needed.
  929. Macdonnell of Keppoch modern
  930. American National Tartan
  931. tatran id
  932. Choosing a tartan.
  933. Looking for universal tartan in Orange and Purple...anyone?
  934. Glascow area tartan? Is ther one?
  935. Oldest MacDonald sett?
  936. All in a day's research
  937. Plans for a National Tartan Centre
  938. LOCHABER WOB Colours
  939. Historic red tartans?
  940. Rcaf? Raf?
  941. Tartan ID
  942. Sprens, the original Perth tartan?
  943. Tartan Question. for experts
  944. tartan ID please
  945. Thoughts on the Maple Leaf Tartan
  946. Strathspey tartan -a misnomer
  947. Tartan Adoption in the Borders
  948. Carolina Tartan
  949. Tartan talk this Thursday
  950. Tartan ID Help Please
  951. Maclaren 1819 variant
  952. An early Proscription era tartan?
  953. Nov. 4th Scottish Wildcat Tartan talk
  954. Strathspey Tartan - A re-used plaid
  955. Anyone recognise this?
  956. And another unknown modern tartan
  957. Tartan Identification Help
  958. Custom Polyviscos Tartan
  959. different versions of tartans
  960. Early piece from Glen Affric
  961. Highland Society of London
  962. What's this tartan?
  963. Tartan ID help please
  964. Show us your Culloden pics
  965. Tartan ID
  966. Royal Canadian Navy Tartan
  967. NTS catch up with the facts on the Tartan Ban myth
  968. Carolina tartan
  969. Tartan ID
  970. Scottish Register of Tartans users' survey
  971. Falkirk Tartan - Oldest British Example of Tartan Fabric
  972. Missouri State Tartan
  973. Priest Tartan
  974. Tartan ID from paintings
  975. An rare 18th century tartan date 1748 but is it.........
  976. Hawich tartan re-launch
  977. A Jacobite era tartan
  978. Tartan ID??
  979. Tartan ID help
  980. Tartan ID
  981. Fraser of Struy's Plaid - Reweave
  982. Crieff with Drab
  983. Governor General's Tartan
  984. Can someone identify this tartan?
  985. Another tartan id question
  986. Taran ID
  987. What happens with a new chief?
  988. A project to reweave the original setting of MacKinnon
  989. Reproduction Fraser (Or Similar Red) Images/Guidance
  990. Can anyone identify these two tartans?
  991. Rare Bonnie Prince Charlie tartan to remain in Scotland
  992. A question for the weaving rabble...
  993. Some Victorian tartans for Welsh names
  994. Maxwell tartan
  995. Scotsman article - Was tartan really banned after Culloden?
  996. Is MacDonald of glencoe recognized?
  997. Royal Canadian Navy Tartan
  998. Help with Tartan Identification, please?
  999. Thurso tartan
  1000. Tartan ID please

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