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  1. #1
    Join Date
    21st January 12
    Norwalk, Wisconsin
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    Clan Cameron genealogy help

    I have hit a wall. I am looking for information on my Great great grandad, He was Hugh Cameron. He was born in May 1822 in Scotland and came to the US and then into Canada in 1825. He married Marjory McMillan about 1853 in Canada. she passed away on the 16th of Nov. 1916 in Maswell Ontario Canada. Just in case others are doing Genealogy my great grandfather was Hugh Cameron He was born on the 19th of Feb 1854 in Finch Ontario Canada and passed away on the 14th of July 1949 in Tompkins Saskatchewan Canada. My Grand father was Albert Malcom Cameron. He was born on the 15th of Apr. 1906 in Ontario Canada. He passed away on the 21st of Apr. 1975 in Bellevue Washington. My father James H. Cameron Sr. was born on Dec. the 1st 1940 in Bellevue washington. My father passed away on Dec. the 3ed 2012 in North bend Washington. So any advise welcomed as to my GG Grandfather welcomed.
    Aonaibh RI Chéile,

  2. #2
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    Re: Clan Cameron genealogy help

    Hi James,

    Have you attempted to contact the Clan Cameron Association? The Association has official websites in both North America and Britain, and I would advise checking with them first. I am a staunch member of the Clan Macpherson Association, and by speaking with fellow Macpherson 'cousins' both here in North America, as well as abroad in Scotland, I was able to gain much needed and invaluable information (Scottish census records, parish registeries, death records, birth records, etc) in regards to my genealogical research, which was conducted many years ago. Your clan association is the best place to begin, besides your own immediate family.

    Oh and one more thing, despite feuding for a wee bit in the past (mainly in and around Lochaber and parts of southern Badenoch) the Macphersons and Camerons have long been friends and very hopistable to oneanother. The XXVI Chief of the Clan Cameron, the late Colonel Sir Donald Hamish Cameron of Lochiel, K.T., was rather good friends with my Clan Chief, Sir William Alan Macpherson of Cluny and Blairgowrie, T.D. A previous Macpherson Chief, Francis Cameron Macpherson of Cluny, took the surname of Cameron as his middle name due to this unique bond of friendship between the Camerons and the Macphersons, as well as a tribute to The Gentle Lochiel of Jacobite fame.

    Best of luck,
    Last edited by creagdhubh; 6th February 12 at 10:26 AM.

  3. #3
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    Re: Clan Cameron genealogy help

    Hello Kyle,

    Yes, I have looked at Clan Cameron online, I did not see contact info. I will look again. I must have missed it. As well as the Clan Cameron North American Association & the Clan Cameron Association Scotland . I have been able to find out that my Great, Great grand father Hugh and his wife Catherine Mcgillvary Cameron had 10 children my Grand father Albert being the youngest. So its branching out. My uncle and my sister are doing research as well. I also found Cameron interactive. There is a possible lead there but I can’t follow up until my membership gets approved. . There is the Cameron DNA project as well to that I just may take part in. Many memberships are pending at the moment. I am also waiting on so records as well. I threw it out there I thought maybe I could get a lead. I have looked at many ship manifest and the like.
    The fourms allows posts to be only so big so, there was a lot I could not post due to space limits. I did not want to be a pest on were and post two or three post on here to be able to share all the information I have. thanks for the reply.
    Aonaibh RI Chéile

  4. #4
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    Re: Clan Cameron genealogy help

    No worries, best of luck mate!


  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Re: Clan Cameron genealogy help

    If you have not done so, investigate one of the online genealogical web sources. In addition to the databases of historical records that some of them have, you can also connect with other people who are searching the same or related lines, and many people allow their trees to be searched and viewed. Given that your GGF had ten children, the odds that a descendant of one of them is also doing research on the family are high. Most of the sites also have message boards where you might get a better response to a query about specific people than here. If you do not want to spend the money for a subscription, check to see if your local library maintains a subscription for free use by card holders. The same caveat applies to online services and printed records: don't believe everything that you read. Verify everything that you can before you accept it.

    Good luck.

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