18th April 10, 05:44 PM
the scattering of a surname
i thought id share this google map ive made of the family tree i just selected 4 surnames to give some folk the impression of how much some surnames get about over the years this is just the paternal side of those 4 surnames
the surnames are Chisholm in blue , Mcnee in green , Bruce in light blue and Heffernan in white
ive a whole load of names and areas to add to this map most or less are in the same area of Scotland and Ireland by the time i add the maternal side it should be a great thing to pass to other relatives
the spread of this nature is something folk should consider when doing a genealogical search some folk perhaps may have this impression that the ancestors clustered in one area over a long time whereas work and home life back then was similar to today's needs if they needed to move for a job they did 
19th April 10, 05:01 AM
Is this something you can do on google easily? I would like to trĄ it with my surname?
19th April 10, 06:51 AM
 Originally Posted by scotchmaster
Is this something you can do on google easily? I would like to trĄ it with my surname?
yes at the top of google earth there is a small icon in the shape of a yellow thumb tack by clicking that on the area you'd like to pinpoint then you can add the relevant data to the window ,you can alter the icon and alter the colour of the writing it just makes it easier to separate surnames
id always used it to just pinpoint locations of interest but its a great tool for genealogical data
19th April 10, 02:51 PM
I've always wanted to animate such a map, so that you could watch a family spread west and grow across N. America. After arriving in the US, my first generation walked across S.Carolina, the second across N. Carolina, Tennesse, to Kentucky, and the third across Kentucky, Illinois to western Missouri where they arrived in 1806. The fourth made it to California and back to Utah. I know that the 3rd generation pushed their belongings before them in carts (there were of course no roads). I find this migration hard to understand considering how nice the area of Inverness was where they all began.
19th April 10, 10:39 PM
The National Trust has a site where you can map names in Great Britain (i.e. England, Scotland and Wales for the geographically challenged). It will do it for two years a century apart, i.e. recently and a century ago, which usually just ends up showing expansion of the name over time. Sorry I don't have the URL, because I lost all my bookmarks.
It's a pity it doesn't cover Ireland (either part). I'm not sure that the spread of Callaghans, O'Callaghans and Callahans in Britain means very much, although it will let you do that. It's a bit like trying to map a Polish name in France, for example. Very useful for mapping Scottish names, though, I would think.
20th April 10, 07:54 AM
Here is the link to the UK National Trust site O'Callaghan was talking about.
20th April 10, 08:13 AM
 Originally Posted by O'Callaghan
The National Trust has a site where you can map names in Great Britain (i.e. England, Scotland and Wales for the geographically challenged). It will do it for two years a century apart, i.e. recently and a century ago, which usually just ends up showing expansion of the name over time. Sorry I don't have the URL, because I lost all my bookmarks.
It's a pity it doesn't cover Ireland (either part). I'm not sure that the spread of Callaghans, O'Callaghans and Callahans in Britain means very much, although it will let you do that. It's a bit like trying to map a Polish name in France, for example. Very useful for mapping Scottish names, though, I would think.
the thing with those maps though on the national trust its takes away the personal connection with a family tree map like mines ive searched all those ancestors per name and added them into it myself
im just aiming to find out where my family went to not every chisholm and other surname in the land 
20th April 10, 02:05 PM
 Originally Posted by ForresterModern
Very cool. Thank you for that!
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