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  1. #1
    Join Date
    13th March 24
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    Exclamation Kilts4Less - Potential scam?

    I first discovered these people when i was in the market for a kilt for Christmas, the website is respectable and they have a lot of traditional Scottish made kilts for crazy low prices, they claim their ex hires are professionally cleaned and had several parts replaced.

    I emailed them explaining that i needed a specific kilt in time for Christmas, this was over a month ago, there has not been so much as a single peep from them.

    I have since found other people who claim they do not send out the kilts, that the phone lines are dead, and of course do not respond to emails.

    I believe kilts4less is a scam, the products are also way too good to be true, there is no way you can professionally cleaned ex hire Scottish made 5 yarder for the prices they claim, especially not one where the straps and buckles were replaced, yes you can find good deals ex hire but a good kilt is £700+ and that doesn't scale well with their prices, I'd expect 2-500 especially with the extra work they claim they do.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Lethendy, Perthshire
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    There was a discussion about them here which is worth a read if you haven't already - https://www.xmarksthescot.com/forum/...96/index3.html

  3. #3
    Join Date
    18th October 09
    Orange County California
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    A quick Google of Pauline Sweeney gave this

    Proud Mountaineer from the Highlands of West Virginia; son of the Revolution and Civil War; first Europeans on the Guyandotte

  4. #4
    Join Date
    27th March 22
    Treasure Coast Florida
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    Kilts 4 less experience

    Purchased 4 exhire kilts from them during the queens jubilee sale, and tge exchange rate was favorable. The kilts are decent, tags say 100% wool (machine stitched)
    All of these kilts had been sized down from larger kilts.
    As I have lost about 3.5 inches of waist measurement, I have been resizing them to fit better... the workmanship on some is better than others... I will probably test some of the offcuts to see if the 100% wool claim stands up. Nowhere on the kilts does it say scottish wool, just 100% wool. The back of the kilt has not been cut away to reduce bulk. The ones I have resized, I have replaced the inner construction with canvas as shown in Barbara's TAoK and Robert MacDonald's methods. They fit much better now and the tartan is properly centered front and back. About 30 hours of work in each one by the way. Also removed the strap hole on the left side and put the buckle and strap on the inside. The condition of the kilts I recieved was frankly better than I expected.

    I also purchased 3 ex-hire black shadow tartan kilts from another company, and they were in very good condition. The fabric on those was excellent quality. I will be resizing them as well... for 40 GBP, I was not expecting much, but 1 looked like it had never been worn! They were clearing out stock after the wedding season slowed down. All these purchases were done right after the pandemic and a lot of companies were clearing out stock from bulk buys as other rental firms were closed down due to lack of business.
    Sorry this is so long, but figured I would add in my experience... apparently I was somewhat lucky with kilts 4 less it seems.
    I often check the clearance sections of companies websites and have found some good deals...


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