I am currently researching the history of the doublet as one of my freelance writing contract assignments. Unfortunately, as much as I've learned on XMTS about historic Highland attire, I've not yet been able to answer this question adequately.

What, if any, is the historical connection between the article of clothing known as the "doublet" (worn primarily during the Renaissance and not particularly connected to kilts) and the varieties of doublet worn today as part of Highland attire (e.g. Balmoral, Kenmore, Montrose, Sheriffmuir, Regulation)? Are these modern jackets simply an evolution or continuation of a fourteenth century trend? Or did they evolve quite independently of each other but somehow acquire the same name? What was the role of the military (Highland regiments) in their adoption? And when did doublets first start being worn as part of formal Highland attire?

Extra difficulty: I need info based on verifiable sources that could be cited as a reference (which means: no personal opinions, or Wikipedia)...

Any takers?