It seems to have somehow passed under the radar that the 1st Battalion of the RRS has apparently been disbanded and reconstituted en mass into the new 1st Battalion of the "Ranger Regiment" losing their Scottish identities, the right of precedence etc. Somehow except for in a few niche forums this has largely passed under the radar?

It leaves a nasty taste in the mouth that 500 years of service to the British army can be wiped out with the stroke of a pen. No doubt someone fron the Brigade of Guards is happy to wipe out any unit that can claim an older history than theirs.

However is there a glimmer of hope? Given the Royal Scots and the Kosbies were originally line regiments and the Lowland Scottish units being distinguished by tartan etc is a 19th century introduction and they were transferred enmass to constitute the 1st battalion of the Ranger Regiment is there the potential to argue in future that the first battalion of the ranger Regiment is in fact the Royal Scots and Kosbies Battalion thereby laying claim to a future ongoing history and the potential for restoration of some aspects of that identity?

I believe at present the current 1st battalion of the Ranger Regiment retains much of the property, effects, colours and manpower of the 1st battalion of the RRS.

Anyone care to comment?