It looks like there are going to be multiple members of the X Marks the Scot rabble attending or hosting a Burns Night suppers around the world. Northern California, Georgia, and Dumfries Scotland have been the most discussed so far on our forum.

These will fall on different days in different time zones and hundreds (or thousands) of miles from each other. I thought that as a sign of our fellowship perhaps the first toast of the evening could be one thing shared by all of us.

My humble suggestion is this.

On your Burn's Night Suppers, may the first toast amongst the members of our kilted ramble be:

"To Robert Burns and the good Ladies and Gentlemen of X Marks the Scot"

If you cannot toast this with other X Markers in person, then you can still raise a glass and quietly, but still strongly in spirit, join us on Burn's Night wherever you may rove.
