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Thread: Worst costume?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    19th October 24
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    Worst costume?

    While researching early 19th century Scottish clothing, I have run across some rather questionable attempts by non-Scots at Scottish costumes, so I thought it would be fun to make silly poll out of them.

    Which of these 3 early 19th c. "Scottish" costumes is the worst?

    1. The Bavarian who couldn't find any tartan and thought ribbons were a good substitute for hose.
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	King Ludwig’s costumed quadrille 1835.jpg 
Views:	18 
Size:	79.3 KB 
ID:	44024
    "Scottish" costume worn for King Ludwig’s costumed quadrille in 1835.

    2. The French opera singer with mini-skirt and a sporran bigger than his head.
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Petite galerie dramatique MacGregor 1822-1843 small.jpg 
Views:	19 
Size:	147.4 KB 
ID:	44025
    Costume design for the character of Mac-Gregor [sic] in 'La Dame du Lac' (The lady of the Lake) 1822-1843

    3. This English theater costume for Rob Roy Macgregor
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Thomas James Serle as Rob Roy Macgregor 1830s-40s.jpg 
Views:	19 
Size:	91.2 KB 
ID:	44026
    Thomas James Serle as Rob Roy Macgregor 1830s-1840s. He has a bunch of Roman-inspired elements: laminar shoulder armor, a shield that looks more like a clipeus than a targe, and gladiator sandals, to make the outfit look historical, I guess.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    23rd July 21
    Randers, Denmark
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    Uhh. That's a hard one!

    I really cant select, witch of these "Lassies" to select...
    They're quite horrid, all three of them...

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