XMarkers get first dibs.

Hand carved traditional designs, rosewood with brass mounts, Watco Danish Oil finish. Simple sheath (Mk 1). Atlanta Cutlery blade, 3 ½ inches/8.9 cm. Weighs 1.6 oz/46 g. Very slender.

$130 USD plus shipping

Staghorn handle (Whitetail deer) with walnut spacer. Simple sheath (Mk 2). Atlanta Cutlery blade, 3 ½ inches/8.9 cm. Weighs 2.8 oz/78 g.

$70 USD plus shipping

Hand carved simple elegance, Wenge with brass mounts, Watco Danish Oil finish. Simple sheath (Mk 3). Atlanta Cutlery blade, 3 ⅜ inches/8.6 cm (exposed). Weighs 1.6 oz/46 g. Very slender.

$80 USD plus shipping

I can send more detailed pictures if interested. I’ll give you one week to look it over and return, no problem. All three come with a lifetime warranty (that’s my lifetime, not anyone or anything else's). I don’t have a Paypal account, so we’ll work something out.

Click image for larger version. 

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Click image for larger version. 

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Size:	378.9 KB 
ID:	44104

Disclaimer: these are ceremonial sgian dubhs. They will open a package or stab a haggis. They are not intended for personal protection. If you are going somewhere where you need that, bring a K-Bar or Fairbairn-Sykes or what-have-you.
Better yet, go somewhere else.