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  1. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by ShaunMaxwell View Post
    You can get the fabric here: https://www.scotlandforever.net/sele...php?IDNumber=9
    P.S. The dark version looks better for a kilt IMHO... more masculine.
    The customer is always right in matters of style and taste. As such, I went for the lighter version for my first kilt. I much prefer the range of color value in the lighter version. I think the light blue as a color with less chroma and a lighter hue creates a more interesting ground for the plaid, and I like the intermediate value that the mixed twill portions of the light blue and dark blue create between the light blue and dark blue. The dark blue stands out against the ground, and since the dark blue, red, and green check are all a similar value range, and the light blue, white and yellow check are all lighter, it really creates a pleasing contrast to my eye between these two parts.

  2. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by bookish View Post
    The customer is always right in matters of style and taste. As such, I went for the lighter version for my first kilt. I much prefer the range of color value in the lighter version. I think the light blue as a color with less chroma and a lighter hue creates a more interesting ground for the plaid, and I like the intermediate value that the mixed twill portions of the light blue and dark blue create between the light blue and dark blue. The dark blue stands out against the ground, and since the dark blue, red, and green check are all a similar value range, and the light blue, white and yellow check are all lighter, it really creates a pleasing contrast to my eye between these two parts.
    Agree to disagree.

    Light version:

    Dark version:

    I’m with OC Richard in thinking the light version looks like a dancers tartan.


    Shaun Maxwell
    Vice President & Texas Commissioner
    Clan Maxwell Society

  3. #33
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    Without, I hope, causing upset, I am glad that is not my tartan!
    " Rules are for the guidance of wise men and the adherence of idle minds and minor tyrants". Field Marshal Lord Slim.

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  5. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jock Scot View Post
    Without, I hope, causing upset, I am glad that is not my tartan!
    I agree. It’s not a strong design, but it’s the official tartan of Texas, as proclaimed by the legislature.

    Shaun Maxwell
    Vice President & Texas Commissioner
    Clan Maxwell Society

  6. #35
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    Interestingly enough, only the light one is in the Tartan registry.

    Does anyone know why the darker one is not ?

    I think the dark one looks OK, but it doesn't really stand out. There are seemingly dozens of dark blue/black/white tartans available, but the light Texas Bluebonnet is the only one I know of that has sky blue as the main color.

    I would never stoop to ridicule someone's clan tartan because I don't personally find the colors attractive. As a native Texan, this is as close as we have to a clan tartan.

  7. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by CBH View Post
    Interestingly enough, only the light one is in the Tartan registry.

    Does anyone know why the darker one is not ?

    I think the dark one looks OK, but it doesn't really stand out. There are seemingly dozens of dark blue/black/white tartans available, but the light Texas Bluebonnet is the only one I know of that has sky blue as the main color.

    I would never stoop to ridicule someone's clan tartan because I don't personally find the colors attractive. As a native Texan, this is as close as we have to a clan tartan.
    A sett is defined by general color, and can be modified and still be the same tartan. USA Kilts has a recent 3-part series on YouTube discussing color in tartan that I think would get at the crux of your question. Both are the same tartan as defined in the registry, but in different "colorways". Think of the sett as an algorithm that describes how to weave the tartan, and the color as interpretable based on the color yarns a weaver has in stock.

    EDIT of an edit: You can also modify the sett a bit, and it is still the same tartan. As long as it looks like the thing in the registry in general proportion and color.

    Last edited by bookish; 13th February 25 at 07:52 AM.

  8. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by ShaunMaxwell View Post
    Agree to disagree.

    If only we all knew what we would like and would have the confidence to express that openly with tact and taste. Whether that is kilts with pockets, tartan choices, or the other aspects of our kilted outfits.

  9. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by CBH View Post
    t. There are seemingly dozens of dark blue/black/white tartans available, but the light Texas Bluebonnet is the only one I know of that has sky blue as the main color.
    There's also the Bell of the Borders tartan, of which I'm not a fan:


    Shaun Maxwell
    Vice President & Texas Commissioner
    Clan Maxwell Society

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